Al Goss killed in a crash today. :(

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Depending on the age of the aircraft- and what it was used for over it's service life- I'd blame the aircraft. 60 years of airframe stress doesn't improve reliability any.

I can't for the life of me remember who said this- a famous pilot, if I recall- but the gist of it was, "If I had the choice of living a long life, or only living ten years worth of flying and dying in a crash, I'd take the latter."

We've all got to check out sometime. Twenty more years of life that you don't enjoy are twenty years wasted. While we mourn these men, let us not neglect the fact that we weep for our loss, not theirs.

Wow how disrespectful.

How can you even speculate on something like that. Do you even know anything about the restoration of aircraft?

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