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Anyway, they had a movie based on Lancasters...'Dambusters' anybody? I liked that movie.

i like it, the effects are crap, but it's still one hell of a film, and it's one of the VERY few that are historically accurate........................
Well it is an old film. The effects on Memphis Belle are poor as well but that's an ok film.
It's nothing special, and the 109s on it seem to have had their guns moved from their nose to their wings.
Jv44 would be great as well, the desperation of that squadron and the talents of the pilots would add drama to a good (if made properly) action film. but concerning BoB the film and the real thing, in the film they use Spanish remakes of the Bf109 using existing airframes with new engines and same with the He111's, in that movie, they have (great engine indeed) merlins. what the "Bf109s" use is unknown to me however. but anyway, concerning the guns, early Emils DID HAVE wing guns. (Mg17s i believe) so that isnt too off but that should be changed in Memphis Belle! one more thing about the "109s" in BoB, if you look through the wallpaper section on this site as well as the color photo gallery, you will see a "Bf109" that look like it has an allison from a P-40 and also looks like a modified P-40 in general (i once showed crazy the pic but forget what it is called, but the wallpaper is simply titled "me109" if i remember correctly.
On the cover of BoB you can see the guns under it's wings but this happened anyway, sometimes carrying 20mm Cannons under wing as well. However you can see the guns on the nose, but not the 20mm in the spinner.

On Memphis Belle the guns are nowhere to be found, even when firing, on the nose or in the spinner, it's an obvious mistake.
I suppose it's worthwhile to see once or twice, as I said it's an ok film.
It's still good.

Lanc does you being a Lancaster fan prevent you from looking into any other bomber? It's a good movie, it's more about the crew than the aircraft.
I've always thought some of the American bomber raids, like Schweinfurt or Ploesti would have made great movies. Hopefully they would be made more accurate than the movie Memphis Belle.

In the Pacific, Midway is a great film but I think a movie set around the huge air battles around the Marianas would have been pretty cool.
It's hard to say. We definitely didn't have the equipment at the time (we were still trying to knock out U-boat pins with 2000lb bombs!). But I don't think anyone in America had considered that kind of a strike before. I'm sure that if America decided to have gone through with it, something could have been worked up. A modified B-24 perhaps?

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