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I agree. In general the B-24 was more versatile than the B-17. Plus you had a much larger bomb bay to toy around with.
Why would you want to use the B-17 for the task, the B-24 was better.
but why would the american use the B-24 when it would upset the public, we all know how much the americans hate to upset their public..........
How would it upset their public? And I don't think the American government really gives a rats ass about it's public, it'll do what it wants.
Either way. The B-24 was far more versatile than the B-17. Had America wanted to trying something like the Dambusters raid it would have been B-24s doing it.
I didn't say never. But apparently we never will get this naval fighter thing worked out. That's mostly what I was refering to.
And the Mosquito v P-38 but that's more of personal taste than performance of plane. I think we have all agreed that the B-24 would have been used.
I don't think you can honestly say the Americans would have never come up with anything that would have worked. We never considered a raid on the dams and if we had I am reasonably sure we could have made something work. If not, we could've just nuked em.
I don't think so, it took long enough and basically one man to give us the idea. We could have just nuked 'em, that's what I expect from an American.
That was a (mostly) sarcastic comment and was intended to remind Lanc that America had some skill at weapons development.

Part of the reason only one man came up with the idea was that only one man was looking for it. If America had had an interested in attacking the dams, an appropriate weapon would have been developed.
I don't think you can honestly say the Americans would have never come up with anything that would have worked.

i don't recall saying they wouldn't i just asked what they would use as they wouldn't have come up with anything like the upkeep................

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