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And that's what I was referring to. You can't honestly say what America would or wouldn't have come up with. Yes Barnes Wallis was one of the greatest designers of his era, but America had very good engineers too. I, personally, thing Wallis' biggest contribution was considering a raid on the dams. The rest was mostly a matter of physics.
I don't know. They had a rocket carrying an 11.75in warhead that they attempted to use against Yamato. They may have tried something like that only 'supersized.'
C.C I think that America had than idea but someone messed up and let them escape in America.
Supersized Lightning? Like everything in America. I doubt it would have worked anyway, the rocket I mean.
I'm not claiming it would have worked either. Lanc asked what I thought they would have used and I was offering a possibility. And for the record, Upkeep was only effective against dams with a particular construction. It is possible that whatever America might have designed would have been effective against the others.
Britain might have invented everything, but it didn't. And America didn't invent the Upkeep, or anything better.
I think you guys rival Hitler for concepts of national superiority . . .

Back to the hypothetical question about an America raid on the dams. Towards the end of the war, America loaded B-17s with 20,000lbs of explosives and used them as remote control missiles (Operation Aphrodite). Something like that might have been used against the dams had America attempted the raid.
The Germans had proper remote controlled missiles.

Excuse me, Britain has invented a lot of modern world technology, and most of the worlds military training and practices have come from Britain. We have reason to say what we do, the Americans however say they are the greatest without EVER recognising that most of their technology and military practice has come from either Britain or Germany.

Hitler knew his country was superior, and I think the fact that Germany took on the World for 6 years, and created A LOT gave him the right to say it.
Yes, if you can't admit what Britain has done for the world, and mostly America maybe I should assume you are like 90% of the Americans, and I know you wouldn't want to be thought of the same as them. I know I wouldn't.
There's nothing wrong with McDonalds, as long as you don't eat it all the time.

America has given the world a lot, the transistor was a huge jump in electronical technology. I can admit what other countries have given, even Germany which 90% of the world refuse to admit jumped this world ahead in technology, especially rocket wise.
most people still hate the germans, but i think they're pretty stupid unless they have a good reason, if you ask someone, most won't be able to give a answer, of they'll just say, "because of the war", thay need to learn to put it behind them, they don't even realise how much they owe to the conflict..................
Because most people don't have a clear understanding of the condition of Germany during WWII. A lot of people (including people in the military) were staunch Anti-Nazi's they just kept their trap shut so they could survive. And many Germans were simply fighting to defend their home, either from Western bombing or from the rape and abuse the Soviets seemed to fond of.

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