All new, never seen before foto file.

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No competition. Event photgrapers from EAA. Event photos are the bain of airshow fans everywhere. They tend not to give a shit about the paying public and always manage to get into the way and they all suffer from selective hearing. They can hear warbird owners whispering from a mile away but cant hear 30 people yelling at them when they are in the way. Pick a show, pick a country, they are everywhere.with their fluorescent vests and huge attitudes.

Grabbem from behind and give them each a Super Melvin.
Three pics today because I feel just terrible leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning at 6:15. Leaving Casa de Jeff at 02:45. Two weeks of rum and coke, beer, sun, sand, palm trees, rum and coke, beer, food, music, rum and coke, beer and no fu$#@!& snow and cold and oh yea, rum and coke and beer!




I will be home around dinner time on 29 January so look for this thread to pick up either that evening or on the 30th.
Play nice while I am gone!



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