"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (24 Viewers)

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Ahh...right, my bad.

Those pesky Benadictine monks ran around and built all those fake Imperial Roman ruins and buried tens of thousands of fake artifacts to make us think that Rome (and Greece) were the real origins of modern Europe.

No, those were all Muscovite colonies. When the Roman Catholics broke with the Russian Orthodox Church, the Benedictines simply rewrote the history books to make people believe that the Mediterranian frontier was actually the center of civilization.
No, those were all Muscovite colonies. When the Roman Catholics broke with the Russian Orthodox Church, the Benedictines simply rewrote the history books to make people believe that the Mediterranian frontier was actually the center of civilization.
Kindly explain how the inferiors ended up with Pizza, Lasagna, Ice cream, fine wines plus Maserati's as opposed to
cold soup, cheap Vodka, Lada Niva's and imported Yak fat.
especially resource rich states like Ukraine and Alaska.
Here's a bit of history that will show that timing is everything.

In the late 1700's Russian, English and Spanish fur traders were competing for trade in the Northern California region.

California for the most part, belonged to the Empire of Spain, but the Russians built a fort on the NorCal coast and there was an uneasy truce between Spain and Russia for the most part.

A thirty five year drought hit California and strained Spain's ability to hold on to Alta California. The land was parched, cattle, wildlife, crops and natives were dying and Spain was in the verge of abandoning the region.

At this point in time, Russia and Britain were a presence in the region - had Spain abandoned Alta California, leaving it up for grabs for Russia and Britain to fight for, history sure would have taken an interesting path.
One wonders if Russia hasn't already taken over California........
One difference is that Russia recognized the independence of Ukraine, as did many other nations; that of the Confederacy never was.
Over 2,000 tanks now lost.

"That's two-thirds of the tanks Russian and allied forces had in active service before the war. Worse for the Russians, Oryx's count includes only those tanks the collective's members can visually verify on social media. In other words, it's an undercount. Observers widely assume actual losses—destroyed, damaged and captured tanks—are a fifth to a third higher."
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Are aerial incendiary bombs still a thing? When I watch vids like this from today where the AFU are clearing a tree line, it seems that napalming the tree line would do the trick more safely…. for the Ukranians.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZZQUmKoG_M
A pair of Mark 77 bombs on an Su-25 would work. Perhaps the UAF does not have aircraft to spare to provide such CAS everywhere.

Edit - I see that Ukraine is a signatory to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons that outlaws aerial incendiary bombs. Too bad.
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They may not be keen on napalming their own country ?

MOSCOW/KYIV, May 31 (Reuters) - Moscow said Ukrainian artillery had hit a town inside Russia for a third time this week and reported drone strikes on two Russian oil refineries on Wednesday, while Ukrainian shelling in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine killed five people.

There was no immediate comment from Ukraine on the Russian reports, in a week when both countries accused each other of spreading terror in their capitals with air attacks as Ukraine prepares a Western-backed push to end Russia's invasion.

They may not be keen on napalming their own country ?
Perhaps, but I think the Ukranians do whatever they must. Including land mining their own country and blowing up their own residential areas, bridges and infrastructure, all in the name of denying the Russians these areas, personal safety, and freedom of movement. Napalm does little postwar residual damage like land mines, for example - it's not Agent Orange.

Given that the Russians are using prohibited weapons such as phosphorus incendiary munitions against the Ukrainians, if the US provided Mark 77 bombs I'd say the Ukrainians would use them, regardless of any treaty obligations or personal foibles. And the Ukrainians could claim they're using the incendiary bombs within Ukraine's own legal borders. That's good enough for me.
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I hope all will be revealed fairly soon as I also hope it is part of an absolute thrashing for Russia.
Me too. I worry about the similarities with Germany's Ardennes Offensive in 1944. In 1944 the Germans hoped to use their superior armour in a concentrated push to the sea in order to cut off the Allies lines of supply.

We know how that turned out.

The Ukrainians are perhaps planning something similar. I hope the UAF has their logistics better sorted that the Wehrmacht did.

I think when the UAF counteroffensive launches we may see the mostly absent VVS show up with everything available that can fly. There are at least 500-700 fixed wing strike aircraft (MiG-29/31/35, Su-24/25/27/30/34/35/57) and 300-500 attack helicopters (Ka27/52, Mi-24/26/28), in the Russian Air Force. Putin will be screaming from the bunker if his vaulted air force does nothing while the Ukrainians storm through Russian positions. Of course Russia needs to leave air force assets across the country for deterrence, so they can't all go to Ukraine, but I expect a good showing from the VSS once the Ukrainians kick off.
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The Israelis too are operating over Syria, with Russian planes sharing the airspace. I suspect they're more worried about Hezbollah resupply than Ukrainian.
Agreed. Israel is facing its own existential adverary in the form of Iran. Their primary method for countering Iranian proxy forces in Syria is via airstrikes. While Russia's real capabilities to disrupt Israeli aerial activities cannot be known, the mere possibility of Russian interference is no doubt something Israel wants to avoid
Ukraine's current position is more closely matched to that of the Soviet's situation in November '42, just prior to the launch of Operation Uranus.

The similarities are uncanny.

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