"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (9 Viewers)

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View: https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1665375171429924866

View: https://twitter.com/War_Mapper/status/1665515036121374721
Reports are partially contradictory, but elements of at least 2 (likely more) Ukrainian brigades advanced from a line west of Velyka Novosilka, retaking control of a couple of small settlements. Lines of advance were southwest from Novopil towards Novodarivka and south into Neskuchne. Ukrainian forces were concentrated around a small number of T-64s, with some M113s and Humvees supporting.

Combat footage shows UAF forces overrunning some Russian forward trench lines, with geolocated photos purporting to show advances of more than 5 km into Russian lines of control. Ukrainian forces look like they reversed some of their advance late in the day and regrouped along a line recently liberated villages. Ukraine also claims Russian forces at Neskuchne abandoned the line there and displaced to prepared positions a few km south in Storozheve.

Russian MoD and Russian friendly sources claim 6 to 8 Ukrainian brigades attacked on a wide front and then retreated back to the north/northwest after 2-3 hours of combat without penetrating lines. Loss claims vary wildly between sources - some are down at 200 personnel and 8-10 tanks and 15 vehicles. Others are almost 600 personnel, along with nearly 30 tanks and almost 50 other armored vehicles (not sure how you like your salt, but I take mine in the form of very large grains). Russia also claims Neskuchne was at least partially retaken.

Rybar shows advances into the western portion of the Russian salient in the area - looks like a fairly wide but shallow advance.

View: https://twitter.com/JanSuurtoll/status/1665455231642095624/photo/1
This territory had not been firmly held by either side in recent months, with control of a number of villages swapping back and forth (Russia advancing and then Ukraine counter attacking).

I wouldn't classify this as 'the counter-attack', but it looks like a fairly successful reconnaissance in force or probing attack that met with initial success, and then a strong Russian response ensued. Reports are that Ukrainian light infantry remain active in the area, so there will probably be further clashes tomorrow.

I suspect Ukraine would be happy if Russia tries to defend the salient (nothing like having fire coming in from three sides). I also suspect they'd be happy if Russia pulls back and straightens their lines.
Russian tank refurbishment is not going to keep up with this.

How America Rebuilds And Upgrades The Mighty M1 Tank
True for the Russians, but the Ukrainians do what they can with Russian donor tanks.

Gesturing towards a T-72B3, covered in dry leaves, and bearing evidence of battle in the form of warped and battered armour, "It took a direct hit on its turret," says Anatoly. "The firing system was damaged too." They plan to get it back on its tracks in swift time, with added armour. There is little time for sentiment. Did Russian soldiers die in it? "I don't know, I suppose so. There were arms and legs in it. Lots of blood."

I don't imagine the folks at the Abrams refurb plant ever had to scrape arms and legs out before beadblasting.
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There are increasing reports that the offensive might have started. Or at least its initial phase.
Ukraine keeps silence.

On a side note Leopard tanks have reportedly been spoted in combat.

No but American repair teams hosed out and repainted the white internal paint on a lot of battle damaged Shermans in WWII Europe (Despite the reputation, relatively few actually burned). Occasionally there were complaints that they missed something as the refurbished vehicle would have a bad stench for quite awhile.
I hope that Leo was on the rapid move along that path, otherwise exposing your thinner slide armour to the enemy seems unwise.
As far as I know the picture is for ilustrative purposes only and does not show a leo (at least it shows a tank). Looks like a Ukranian T-something, Could be anything upto t-90, either from their arsenal or captured from russians.

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