"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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It was called the Russian sock.

I wonder how the MREs compare?

I expect the Ukrainians are well fed by mobile field kitchens. The Russians, outside of vodka, not so much?

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I am asking about the Russian army and the relationship between a hypothetical newly commissioned lieutenant and an experienced sergeant, and positing that in the Russian military culture I would not foresee our lieutenant consulting his sergeant.
It is highly unlikely that a Russian officer (Lt. or otherwise) would ask or take advice from an NCO.

Russian officers have a history (as noted previously) of being above and seperate from enlisted personnel, no matter how experienced they (NCOs) may be.

I recall a movie from several years ago, that actually touched on this issue, called "The Beast".
It was about a Soviet tank crew in Afghanistan.
I very much agree and didn't mean to insinuate otherwise. I was trying to make it interchangeable with the civilian world.

I deployed to Desert Shield as a 1Lt with two NCOs of about my age. We had worked together previously and they were the two best NCOs in the unit. I asked and they were very good at teaching me what I needed to know.

The only SNCO I ever had a run in with was the Command SGT MAJOR for my attached unit. Myself and another 1Lt had a talk with him and he wasn't a problem again. Needless to say our Enlisted guys were very happy (he had been sh!tt!ng on them for no reason while awaiting transport on the docks of Damman). Some people make their own drama…
" he had been sh!tt!ng on them for no reason while awaiting transport on the docks of Damman" We called that attitude FUBIS (F U Buddy, I'm Shipping)
It is highly unlikely that a Russian officer (Lt. or otherwise) would ask or take advice from an NCO.

Russian officers have a history (as noted previously) of being above and seperate from enlisted personnel, no matter how experienced they (NCOs) may be.

I recall a movie from several years ago, that actually touched on this issue, called "The Beast".
It was about a Soviet tank crew in Afghanistan.
Was that the movie with "tank boy"?
With naked ass against the whole World

A strategic planning meeting in the Kremlin: 'There are two crucial questions on the table: providing military personnel with a socks, and establishing of the World domination. Since the socks' question seems unsolvable let's go straight to the second point.'
The article repeats 3 things several times: ammo, aircraft, and drones

Drones: True they didn't had enough, as everybody else. Drones are the new weapon of this war, and no army in the world was ready for that.

Aircraft: I don't think they don't have enough. Actually they have more planes than what they can actually use. What they lack is trained pilots. What they lack is the capability to use more than 10 planes at a time in a coordinated way without their own air defenses blowing them up.

Ammo: They had immense stocks of ammo to start with, but they ate through them mindlessly. What they really lack is production capability to replenish them.
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One of the totally useless pieces of information I have picked up over the years relates to this posting, in an odd kind of way.

Until approx 10 years ago Russian infantry were not issued with socks. They had a piece of material issued to them that when folded, was used as a sock.

There was a BBC program where Russia let a unit in following the basic training give to new recruits, and that was the most unexpected bit that I recall
The Ukrainian army switched to socks in 2007-2008, before that there was still a "Russian" sock (the real name is "Portyanka") I wore it for 6 months.
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These Bradleys are tough to crack. And the fact that the Ukrainians have modern repair facilities this close to the front speaks volumes on the ineffectiveness of Russia's land attack bombardments. Just as Hitler should have focused on their airfields and aircraft factories instead of London; Putin should be hitting this facility, not wasting his missiles and attack drones on apartment buildings.

View: https://twitter.com/uaweapons/status/1669272217107017728?s=61&t=bmtNxWabcsIKJ6TkHkd-SA

I assume that unlike the Russians who are conceding ground, the advancing Ukrainians are able to retrieve and repair a good portion of their damaged vehicles.

View: https://twitter.com/noelreports/status/1668623359301783553?s=61&t=bmtNxWabcsIKJ6TkHkd-SA
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Every soldier Ukrainian (Russian think too) army knows Timurov's menthol ointment, you rub it for three times and after foots not stank). After 2008 this cream has become not actual like before.
Reminds me of Bag Balm.


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