"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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I just read an article or two on the U.S. "annexing" Russian loot and using it for Ukraine. Can't remember the particulars.
Crow's on the menu.
I'd support Canada sending all our remaining eighty-odd Leo2 tanks. We don't need them.
Canadian tanks heading to Latvia.
I assumed we'd never deploy them again, but Russia has kicked even Canada's militarily-neglectful government into action. Now, if we can just get moving on SSKs, some interesting cooperation with Hyundai (I had a Pony in the late 1980s, great car).

On other submarine news, scratch one Seawolf class for the foreseeable future. Damaged in 2021, but without repair capacity.

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This was very interesting. Putin wanted war with the West. This is how the West goes to war. My issue is; is it confirmation bias? I believe the points brought up are true. I'm glad you posted it, though. I've seen other thumbnails from this channel but I kind of like my sources vetted. BTW I never click on anything with exclamation points or all caps in the title.

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India and China should both be excluded but if I were Ukraine I would not say that at this time because that would give them a good reason to more actively support Russia

I do not think so. Canada has a very large Ukrainian population in Alberta and probably other regions and Trudeau is just making sure they vote for his party at the next erection.
China will be keen to finance Ukraine's rebuilding, offering cheap or free reconstruction…. with plenty of strings attached.

Given Chinese shilly-shallying compared to Western support, I doubt those strings will be accepted. The Chinese unwillingness to take one side or the other has essentially ended the Belt-and-Road at the Caspian. No one northwest of there trusts them.

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