"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Where was the Red Airforce when Ukraine was overwelming the Russians last summer?

Probably grounded while they argued over which u/s aircraft should be cannabilized to keep which other u/s aircraft serviceable or while multiple someones drank enough vodka to get the courage to push the question up line to the next higher authority until it reached Putin.
In Normandy the allies made several attempts at a breakout and failed until finally success at Falaise. They had to wear the German forces down. All the while, they had complete superiority in the air. Part of the allies problem was the Sherman tank was not up to the task against the superior Panzer and Tiger tanks. They relied on their own artillery and the air forces in Cab Ranks, which they could call in to deal with the imbalance with the tank battles. I don't think these probing attacks are of sufficient size to break through. And they don't have air superiority.
A little bit of humor to start the day ...

View: https://twitter.com/DarthPutinKGB/status/1682486676877107201
That one reminded me an old joke popular in Russia in comunist times.
3 men at a Siberian gulag explain why they where send there:
1- I arrived late to work and was accused of sabotage.
2- I arrived early at work and was accused of espionage.
3- I arrived on time at my work and was accused of owning a western clock.

View: https://twitter.com/DarthPutinKGB/status/1682423225253261312

View: https://twitter.com/Sputnik_Not/status/1679148938547589120
If you play with fire you sometimes get burnt

A war correspondent for Russia's RIA news agency was killed and three other Russian journalists were wounded by shelling near the frontline in Ukraine's southeastern Zaporizhzhia region on Saturday, Russia's defence ministry said.

The ministry said the journalists were wounded in a Ukrainian artillery strike. They were evacuated from the battlefield but RIA correspondent Rostislav Zhuravlev died during the journey, it said.

It said the others were in a serious but stable condition. "There is no threat to life. They are receiving all the necessary medical care," the ministry said.

RIA confirmed in a report that its correspondent had been killed while reporting in the frontline village of Piatykhatky, and that one of its cameramen was also hurt.
And so it continues

A businessman with links to Russia's security services has become the latest high-profile figure among the country's elite to be found dead.
The body of 40-year-old Anton Cherepennikov was found in his office in Moscow, according to reports which said he had died from "cardiac arrest".

Cherepennikov was head of the country's largest IT company, ICS Holding, which was used by Russia's Federal Security Service for surveillance of citizens' online activities, according to the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported.

The cause of his death was immediately treated with suspicion by one longtime friend Vasily Polonsky, who insisted: "I do not believe [he died of] cardiac arrest. The exact cause of the entrepreneur's death will be determined later.

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