"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (54 Viewers)

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Maximum conscription age in Russia increased from 27 to 30. Also interesting comment from one of the Duma lackeys about the "demographic situation":

Makes me wonder if, having served your 2 years at the age of, say 19, are you eligible to be called up again?
I would not blame Ukraine at all if they launched retaliatory strikes against Russian cities, but they are taking the high road in this war.

and they realize that any serious attack on Russian cities will galvanise the Russians into supporting Putin.

Pin prick attacks on the other hand hint to the Russian population that all is not going to plan
Russia taking classes on how to sell a defeat as a victory

View: https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1683978660406087681

Plus, North Korea has some of the world's largest stockpiles of tube and rocket artillery, all of it in preferred Russian calibers. Rumour mill says two of North Korea's main ammunition factories were given big, short deadline orders in September, likely to fill orders for 82mm and 120mm mortar ammunition, along with 122mm and 152mm howitzer ammo and 122mm MLRS ammo.

It may be coincidence, but trains started operating between NK and Russia again in late November 2022.
I was wondering about that too. Are the Russian troops in the north their regular army, such as it is, or convict battalions? I remember articles and comments that the Russian tanks there are the later models.
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Does anyone know the situation in the north where Russia was supposed to have 900 tanks and 100,000 men

Russian forces made advances to the Southwest of Svatove from the 19th and 25th. They managed to force a crossing of the Zherebets River in two places and captured a number of Ukrainian settlements. Reports are that two different BTGs were in operation, with some sources suggesting two more BTGs came into support the advance about the 22nd.

From Russian maps, maximum penetration was about 2.5 km along one axis and about 1.5km along another. Even that is suspect though, as a couple of Russian-friendly mappers seem to have overstated the extent of the advance and revised in the last few days.

Attack seems to be mostly foot infantry, advancing through heavily wooded sections in and around the river and its tributaries.

Ukrainian forces counter-attacked on the 25th and 26th and recovered control of one of the settlements. Control of another is contested.

Ukrainian sources report situation is stable, with the defensive line in the sector being adjusted. At the moment, Ukrainian forces control a section of high ground between the two advancing Russian forces, and seem to have been able to slow the advance with artillery fire.
According to the NYT, Ukraines main offensive has begun.
Paywall free version here: https://archive.is/tuKhs

I just have to like the MiG-29. As a young kid in the 1980s when I first saw drawings of the Fulcrum I could never of guessed I'd be cheering it on against the Russians.

My mind has now wandered to silly town, but could the RAF's WW2-era 22,000 lb Grand Slam bomb be converted to a JDAM? What size of a wing and what range could be expected?
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My mind has now wandered to silly town, but could the RAF's WW2-era 22,000 lb Grand Slam bomb be converted to a JDAM? What size of a wing and what range could be expected?

I bet you could install the guidance kit/control surfaces on it without a problem. A B-52 could certainly carry one under each wing pylon without a problem, especially with folding pop-out wings like the old AGM-86 ALCM, but I don't see the point unless you're trying to drop a dam or something.

Plus, a B-52 can carry more than two ALCMs. IIRC, our H-model B-52s carried 20 AGM-86s (about 2,000-lb conventional warhead when so armed) , 6 under each wing, and another 8 in the bomb bay on a rotary launcher, with essentially the same GPS guidance as a JDAM, and TERCOM on each missile thrown in, and a jet engine to boot.

Rotary bomb-bay launcher:

Range would be a lot longer than an unpowered flying bomb as well. Won't hit the supersonic impact-speed of a Grand Slam ... but we've got other things for deep-penetration boom.

Not Silly-Town, just superseded, imo. Would still be fun for shits and giggles. A Grand Slam or two atop the spires of the Kremlin would definitely rule the Interwebs for a while!
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For those who doubt the progress Ukraine is making there is an interesting article in todays papers.

Source the Telegraph

Ukraine's counter-offensive is progressing according to a plan worked out with Britain and the US over the winter, the UK's armed forces minister has said.
James Heappey dismissed concerns that the operation is stalling after a leaked German military assessment questioned Ukraine's progress and tactics.

Mr Heappey said Kyiv was being "appropriately cautious" in refusing to send large numbers of men and Western-supplied weapons into dense Russian minefields.
The Ukrainian military, he said, was holding back enough firepower to make a breakthrough at the right time. "Ukraine is meeting our expectations at the moment. They are broadly delivering the plan that they worked out with us, and the Americans and others, over the last winter," he told The Telegraph during an interview in Busan, South Korea.

"This is not a Hollywood movie. There was not going to be a moment when the tanks started to roll, and the music started to play, and a war montage played out and then - at the end of it - victory by September."

The part that I like most, is the beginning where it refers to a plan worked out with Britain and the USA during the winter. It shows that a lot of planning and thought went into this. I have no doubt that they would have used the latest intelligence when putting this together.
The target in Moscow I'd to see get hit is that anti-air system parked on a roof. Just that. I'd love to see that covered by Russian propagandists.

To be fair, if my dear 7th Bomb Wing were to fly missions, I'd love to see them scatter M-117s all over these Russian entrenchments. Don't know how many the Bone can carry, but the BUFF hauled 51 of 'em apiece in 1991. That's a hell of a lot of hurt.

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