"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Sure, kick the can down the road so your children bleed later…

No thanks, You fight now so your children have a future.

Cutting video with trophies Agro-Farm Battalion



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Children are bleeding now.

The wicked don't get punished and the meek don't inherent the earth.

Putin's economy is about to do a nosedive into oblivion and his army is short of a tank or two.

Putin is now in such a weak position that he is now only getting weaker.

If it weren't for his nukes then I would say it's all over.

Russia is in this situation because of all it's weaknesses. Not it's strength. And it's weakness will only get worse.

Is it me or does the tactical performance by the Russian soldiers in that first video seem pretty poor? They're very slow to respond, take a long time to get over the barrier, and are bunched together. That strikes me as poor behaviour for infantry...or am I missing something?

And if you concede now the children bleed longer. Its tucking your tail between your legs so future generations have to fight an even greater battle. Not the present generations problem though, for a few years peace.

What struck me was that in taking cover on the berm of the road, they opened themselves up to enfilade fire from cover. If the Ukrainians had set a sniper or LMG enfilading from up the road a couple hundred yards, those guys would have been decimated ... especially as bunched up as they are, to your point.
It's fascinating to consider the similarities between the Ukrainian war and the First Soviet-Finnish War including the supply of weapons, soviet losses, foreign volunteers etc.
In the run up I was telling people that someone should be whispering "Winter War" in Putin's ear to warn him. I knew that the people and army of Ukraine were going to be a very tough nut to crack but what I didn't expect was that the Russian Army would be as bad as the Red Army was coming off the purges.

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