"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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If Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are attacked, then Russia will be fighting Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia……..
I think you need to exclude Slovakia as well, as their new leader is Putin-leaning.
And the UK? The British army has rarely been smaller.
That did not prevent them to acquire S-400 missiles.

I do not see what the purchase of the S-400 systems by Turkey has to do with what we are talking about?

There is no requirement in the NATO charter that a NATO member cannot purchase equipment from Russia. The only law/regulation violated by Turkey due to the purchase is a US law "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act" which was passed by the US in December 2020. This is not a NATO regulation, although various NATO nations have gone along with it since. If NATO was actually at war with Russia this would be very different.

"U.S. sanctions Turkey over purchase of Russian S-400 missile system"

Incidentally, Turkey signed the S-400 purchase agreement in 2017.
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