"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Gotta LOVE this one....the Kremlin has labelled Facebook as "extremist". It really is a parallel universe over there in the Kremlin:

Russian media must now declare Facebook parent company Meta an "extremist" organisation whenever it is mentioned, following a court decision to ban the platform on Monday.

Earlier in the day, a Moscow court declared Meta to be an extremist group and banned two of its products, Facebook and Instagram. The ban does not apply to WhatsApp.

That designation must now be specified every time Meta is mentioned in the media, according to Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, also known as Roskomnadzor.

Similar rules apply to the Islamic State, or to organisations associated with Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Facebook has been blocked in Russia since 4 March.
I don't understand what the possible mission of these RussIan tanks could have been. They just seem to drive around like they're lost. Tanks are for breakthroughs and encirclements, not for touring the city without fuel or infantry support.

I know, right? I was watching a vid last night of a T-72 repeatedly poking its nose out into an intersection and shooting at what seemed to be the same target, then reversing for cover (presumably while reloading). Not a foot soldier to be seen, and not even another tank in the video-frame. Playing cat-and-mouse in a city with a tank strikes me as pretty dumb without supporting elements ... and this guy had none.

I'll see if I can dig up the video in a little bit.

And the beauty of it is Russia isn't getting a single ruble for it.

However, it's testament to Russian logistical challenges that they're using Ukrainian tractors to deliver much of this equipment.



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