"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Gaining ground doesn't win wars when that ground is so small. Put aside the losses in men and materiel at the risk of misreading things. Both Russia and Ukraine have staked their government's existence on this war ... but remember, WWI was stalemated, until it wasn't. And Russia collapsed in 1917 precisely because they overextended national resources in pursuit of an unpopular war.

Collapse may happen on either side, but I think Russia's capture of one smallish town is not a signal-flare. More important is what is happening with American aid, and that seems to be turning more favorable to Ukraine despite Congressional holdouts.
Interesting article, but the author misses the mark.
It's not "sad news" that drones did the work of artillery and it's not a result of the U.S. Congress.

First of all, yes, artillery could have done the job, but to bring artillery to bear, it needs to be mived into position and fed coordinates. It also becomes a target by the enemy.
The drones can move in real-time and provide little or no warning to the enemy, as was the case here. They struck in waves, and succeeded in taking out their targets with zero risk to Ukrainian assets.

It would be refreshing to read an article that provides facts and details without political and opinion hyperventilating.
Agreed. This is the point here. Avdiivka is another Russian failure.

The ratio of losses was 7 to 1 in favour of Ukraine.

Russia - 143 million people. Ukraine - 43 million people as at 2021 . Lets round them to 140 and 40.

At an ongoing 7 to 1 loss ratio Russia runs out of population and is still missing another population
without having won (mind you, it's like trying to win an earthquake for them).

Seven time 40 million is 280 million. Add in Russia's inability to manufacture and supply.

T-55's now in use ? 1960's Centurion fodder.

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