"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Russia advances in the Kharkov Front:
I have to give the Russians credit for steadfastness. Yes, they're taking incredible losses, but nevertheless, against a technologically superior, NATO-backed and highly motivated Ukraine military, the Russians continue to both hold the line and take new territory. If Russia can sustain its current loss rate, keep up these small territorial gains while holding back any large UAF offensive for another nineteen months to the end of 2025, I'd suggest Russia will do okay at the inevitable 2026-27 negotiating table.
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I think it is a case of desperation. Putin can't face a loss...and by default, neither can his forces. They are also trying to take advantage of the Ukrainian weakness due to delayed ammunition etc before that window of opportunity closes.

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