"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Killing a Russian pilot is not the same as shooting down a unmanned Russian drone or missile over Kyiv. You see no difference?

IMO, if Ukraine asks NATO to launch missiles over Ukraine-held territory to shoot down Russian, Chinese, Iranian, or whatever drones and missiles flying over Ukraine, it doesn't matter what Russia or other countries have to say.
NATO absolutely cannot engage ANY Russian hardware in an offensive act, be it manned or unmanned, outside of it's proper.
Doing so would be considered by Russia as an aggressive act and would open a can of worms.

This is why a "no fly zone" was not conducted in the opening months of the war even though Zelensky requested it.

As it stands, NATO hardware operated by Ukraine is permissible - any NATO hardware entering Ukrainian airspace from Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, etc. is not.
NATO absolutely cannot engage ANY Russian hardware in an offensive act, be it manned or unmanned, outside of it's proper.
Doing so would be considered by Russia as an aggressive act and would open a can of worms.

This is why a "no fly zone" was not conducted in the opening months of the war even though Zelensky requested it.

As it stands, NATO hardware operated by Ukraine is permissible - any NATO hardware entering Ukrainian airspace from Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, etc. is not.
This video partially addresses this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayEWW5htbI8

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