"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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The Kerch bridge may also not be that important anymore (although its still a symbol of the occupation). It seems the trains rolling over it are severly weight restricted. I expect this to be a direct cause of the first attack with the massive fuel fire causing extensive heat damage to the concrete of a pillar and/or several sections thus massive impacting the load-bearing factor of the affected concrete.
More and more nations are lifting or reducing their ban on using its donated weapons vs russian soil. Now US/Germany permit their use on a ~40km distance from border inside russia to defend predominantly Kharkov from atacks, possible other regions in the same situation. Atacms are excepted but Himars are permitted

This is infuriating. America, of all countries, ought to know that fighting a war with one hand tied is a recipe for failure. Forcing Ukraine to do that only aids Russia.
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Are you thinking of more Beriev A-50s getting shot down? There's that excellent depiction during "Operation Dreamland" in Clancy's Red Storm Rising, in that case F-117s did the deed. For Ukraine it would need to be UAF MiGs or Sukhois over Russia with massive ECM support or Vipers shooting into Russia from within Ukraine airspace, since the Vipers are restricted, IIRC.

What's the longest possible range AAM for Ukraine's F-16? Too bad the AIM-260 JATM isn't ready. This site below is good info on all things F-16.

I don't think Russia will use its ASAT so I was thinking of something a little more airborne. I would be surprised if NATO hasn't been war-gaming a similar scenario for years.

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