"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Reply bolded.
It shows how twisted we are that we have a specific word for such an unusual form of execution. Kinda like how Eskimos have 29 words for snow depending on its type.

and tok pisin (PNG Pidgin) has 17 meanings for the word long including to and from as in go long hap (go there) and kam long hap (come from there or come here depending on context) and stap long hap (stay there)
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The bright side is the Ukrainian pilots will have received adequate training. I'm guessing the same for the ground crews.

It took ten months for the 301st to transition from F-4Es to F-16As, and that's with English speakers used to American measures and ground-crew trained on American engine designs. I'm not surprised it's taken this long, though I wish it had been quicker. Hopefully the spare parts and munitions have been emplaced already for a running start.
Hey blueskies ol' buddy! How ya' been?
They wouldn't answer my question earlier, so I suspect that rainbow boy (I am assuming here, they may be using pronouns like she/they/it/whatever) is only capable of tossing out rainbows because it:
A) makes them feel empowered
B) they get a certain amount of Rubles for trolling anything Ukraine related
C) they're pretty

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