"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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It was in early April 2022 when it was first announced that Ukraine would receive F-16s. I would be pleased if we see them before August 2024.
Have you got proof for that? According to what I have seen, the first mention from Ukraine requesting F-16s was 27 August 2022 and then on 18 May 2023 the US government said that it would not block any requests by their allies to transfer their own F-16s. This was eventually followed by the Netherlands agreeing to send up to 42 F-16s to Ukraine on 20 August 2023, followed by other countries..
Garry Kasparov is a Russian pro-democracy leader, global human-rights activist, business speaker and author, and former world chess champion. Born in Baku, Azerbaijan, in the Soviet Union in 1963, Garry Kasparov came to international fame at the age of 22 as the youngest world chess champion in history in 1985. He defended his title five times, including a legendary series of matches against arch-rival Anatoly Karpov. His famous matches against the IBM super-computer Deep Blue in 1996-97 were key to bringing artificial intelligence, and chess, into the mainstream. In 2005, Kasparov retired from professional chess to join the vanguard of the Russian pro-democracy movement. In 2012, Kasparov was named chairman of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation, succeeding Vaclav Havel. He is now considered to be Russia's leading dissident.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McQ0oUfRBh4

"We're off to the big show tonight
So fly them wing to wing.."

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