"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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BTR/BMP are just too thinly armored, anything above Heavy MG makes swiss cheese out of them. Maybe even HMG with AP rounds may penetrate them.
BTW if i have remembered the vid right then the BTRs had infantry inside and riding on their deck inside the cage.
Interestingly, Belgium says its F-16s cannot be used over Russia while the Netherlands says no problem. As if Ukraine is going to keep track or report on such things. Officially, every F-16 that flies into Russia will be a Dutchman.

In it's forty years of service has any MiG or Sukhoi ever shot down a F-16 in air to air combat? I am interested to see the colour scheme on the Ukrainian Vipers. Some ideas from the interweb.






I assume they'll be painted before delivery rather than shipped in yellow primer.

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That's a broadening of the war:


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