"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Any updates on submarines?

"The Italian shipbuilding company DRASS has started the construction of a small submarine of the DG-160 class at its plant in Romania for an undisclosed customer."

That's a broadening of the war:

I'm pretty sure I saw an episode of Warographics' 'The Situation Room' a while back, where they talked about Ukrainian SF taking out Russian troops/mercenaries in .......Eritrea? Ethiopia? Sudan?.....
I always turn sound off on those videos so I was not affected by it but I do agree that many soundtracks are crap or worse.

It's not that the music is crap --though it most often is -- it's that the music is gratuitous action-movie BS when the bodies we're seeing are not stuntmen. Someone thought footage of a human dying needed a goddamned soundtrack. Reeks of propaganda. Just show the damned footage without a dance-beat.
And since the "undisclosed" buyer of the submarine(s) are being built in Romania, they don't have to pass through Turkish controlled waters.
Correct! That's what got me thinking, maybe Ukraine will have a submarine soon.


Though it's more likely Romania is working to replace their own retired Kilo-class submarine, though talk is that they wanted French boats, which of course cannot currently enter the Black Sea.

Some info here on the Romanian-built boat that (may) go to Ukraine? .... in Romanian.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FL_HgpzyqVs&pp=ygUPZGcxNjAgc3VibWFyaW5l
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