"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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This has yet to be supported by other sources so treat it with caution, but if its true, then Putin is in serious trouble. If Ukraine are able to turn the tide in Kharkiv, while holding territory in Russia then Russia may have shot their bolt and be over stretched.

Ukraine's forces have made advances in the Kharkiv area after launching a large-scale counter-attack, according to a senior official.
The 3rd Separate Assault Brigade said its forces had retaken two kilometres square of territory and seized control of a battalion defence position held by Russian troops.

The brigade added that Russia lost around 300 soldiers in four days, and "a significant amount of equipment and weapons were broken or damaged".

Several other Russian strongholds in the northeast of Kharkiv were also captured.
This might be that referenced:

Ukrainian forces reportedly recently conducted a counterattack and advanced in an unspecified area in Kharkiv Oblast, likely along the Svatove-Kreminna line. A Ukrainian brigade reportedly operating in Kharkiv Oblast reported on August 22 that it seized a Russian battalion-sized defense area and platoon and company-sized positions and advanced almost two kilometers deep in Kharkiv Oblast on August 15. The brigade's commander stated that the Ukrainian counterattack aimed to decrease the offensive potential of the Russian 20th Combined Arms Army ([CAA], Moscow Military District [MMD]), and ISW has observed elements of the 20th CAA operating northwest of Kreminna near Makiivka and Nevske. The brigade noted that Russian forces sustained significant losses despite having a manpower advantage of 2.5 to one and that the Ukrainian counterattack diverted a Russian attack in the Makiivka direction and relieved the pressure on Ukrainian defenses in neighboring areas of this front.
A Czech company has unveiled an inflatable decoy of the F-16 fighter, notably wearing Ukrainian Air Force markings. The inflatable fighter, from a firm that is already known to be providing Kyiv with decoys of other items of military equipment, appears only a matter of weeks after it was confirmed that the first real F-16s had arrived in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian-marked F-16 decoy from the Czech Inflatech company is currently on show at the Industry Days defense exhibition in Denmark, organized by the Danish Ministry of Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO).


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