"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Lurker here, but have really found everyone's insight very informative. I have not seen this article posted yet, and found it very interesting, thought others here would too:
The drone operators who halted Russian convoy headed for Kyiv
Good article.
A lot of equipment for those units were purchased by volunteer organisations like this one:
The Ukrainian volunteer network has several advantages over the government. Speed, flexibility and ability to overcome export barriers in the countries that ban shipments to Ukraine.
They had never heard of the explosion, go figure
They seem to have the "Red Shirts" part down.

They can find sympathy in the dictionary ... between "shit" and "syphillis".
I've read reports about Ukrainian soldiers picking up cell phones from dead Russians and calling home to taunt the Russian mothers. While some might find it offensive, I like it. One Russian mother was told that only the ass and one leg remained of her boy. As for shooting Russian soldiers in the legs, I question the veracity of that claim since Russians tend to stage a lot of propaganda looking for sympathy. As Russians tend to rape and murder why would I have sympathy for even one of them?
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I can understand the temptation. In a similar vein the dog tag I wore during my time on active duty back at the height of the cold war in Germany 1983, didn't have the usual stuff on it. Instead, it said "If you're recovering my body, F*** off." But someone else's child? No, we need to try to be our better selves.
Be careful in what you're reading.

Russian "bots" are working overtime in spreading disinformation.
So much so, even Twitter has clamped down.

As far as I have seen from verified sources, Ukrainian forces have been exceptionally humane to their adversaries in spite of the atrocities Russian forces have wrought on them.
As Russians tend to rape and murder why would I have sympathy for even one of them?

1. Because we are better than that? It's important to keep our humanity.

2. Because not all Russians are raping and pillaging? Using your logic there should be no sympathy for any soldier (including US ones) because during war it happens on all sides (some more than others obviously).

Don't take me wrong, I think the Russians are far more guilty of these despicable acts. My point is simply that most of these Russian soldiers are not fighting in Ukraine because they want to. In some ways they are victims of their countries authoritarian and tyrannical leadership. They are conscripted pawns with lil or no choice.
You might well be horrified by the jody calls we'd sing while running through the streets of Germany in 1983 ~ 84
"We're gonna rape kill pillage and burn" is one that I still remember.

But if we actually did that? The rest of life in Leavenworth if you avoided the gallows.

Sometimes things are said that aren't real; sometimes reality is worse than what we say. The US was never perfect. But even the Mỹ Lai massacre was prosecuted and even there one of the greatest stories of courage in the US Army's history happened: look up Hugh Thompson Jr. sometime. His example is what we can, should, must, live up to.

Where were you stationed in Germany? We were in Bad Kreuznach from 1980-1983, Stuttgart from 1988-2000, and then Ansbach from 2001-2012.
Where were you stationed in Germany? We were in Bad Kreuznach from 1980-1983, Stuttgart from 1988-2000, and then Ansbach from 2001-2012.
Illeshiem. Near Bad Windsheim, down the tracks from Ansbach where BDE headquarters was. C co 1/13th Armor (Cav before, and now again) 1st brigade 1st Armor Division. Later I did a short tour at Hohenfels with the OPFOR unit. Playing door gunner there was a blast for an old tanker.
and then Ansbach

Ansbach! woop woop! Memories of a terrific night spent in a bar with some Brits, but I got all the attention and lots of freebies from the bar owners and patrons because I was wearing my All Blacks rugby jersey. The Germans were fascinated by the fact there was a New Zealander there - they were used to Yanks and Brits, but not Kiwis...

Yeap, Illesheim was just down the road from Ansbach. We used to fly there about every day. Spent many days/nights in the "Hohenhell Box". I swear Hohenfels had its own weather generator. It could be sunny and clear blue ans 22 outside the perimeter, but inside the box it would be cold and rainy.
Cool! Never worked with anyone from "down under" but I loved occasions we had to work with the Germans, the French (excellent rations! They got stuck with 1st gen MRE's when we traded, poor bastards!) and the BAOR.
Oh god yes. And in the spring when the German farmers spread the liquid manure on their fields it made those morning runs even more hellish than the hangovers because of the stench.

Nice to hear of someone knowing where Illesheim is. A little town in the middle of Bavaria. But it was nice and I spent more than a few DMs at the gasthaus in town for Jagerschnizel

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