"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Russia might have marched in at that very moment. Ukraine couldn't use those nukes.

My favourite what if re. the Budapest Memorandum is that it leads to the USA to more actively guarantee Ukrainian independence. Dec 2013, the USA intel is that Russia plans to invade Crimea in Feb 2014. Early Jan 2014, Ukraine's new Western-leading president, Petro Poroshenko invites the US to send forces to Ukraine to "conduct training exercises" with AFU units. By the end of the month, the 9,200 ton (light) amphibious warfare ship USS Denver (LPD-9), escorted by the USS Spruance (DDG-111) and USS Ingraham (FFG-61) and arrive at Sevastopol carrying six CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters and 500 USMC troops and their vehicles. The Montreux Convention allows non-Black Sea warships up to 10,000 tons (with no one nation exceeding 30,000 tons at any given time) to enter the Black Sea for up to 21 days, so after three weeks USS Denver and her escorts will leave its marines behind on Crimea, exit the Sea and position itself at Turkey's Gölcük Naval Base.

That's what we needed POTUS44 to do. Perhaps if the US wasn't bogged down in forever wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan, nor distracted by the seeming reproachment of the February 2014 Sochi Olympics, the USA might not have been blind to Russia's plans.
Russian Federation troops has marched into Grozny, Chechnya one year after the Budapest Memorandum...
Interesting piece saying that India is supplying Ukraine with some ammunition, notably 125mm tank ammunition. I admit that I didn't see that coming.

These explosive ordnance items, primarily high-explosive fragmentation rounds, are crucial in the ongoing conflict, highlighting the global network of ammunition supplies that Ukraine is tapping into, according to WP.

Recent images shared from the frontlines show ammunition with markings indicating it originated from India's state-run Munitions India Limited (MIL).

This marks a significant development, as the country has become a notable supplier of 125 mm shells, which are essential for Ukraine's tanks.

These shells have appeared in conjunction with statements from Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, who confirmed that the first shipment of ammunition to Ukraine has been delivered

One of the outcomes of recent Modi's visit to Kyiv was some "security cooperation" agreement. Details are vague. There are speculations that Ukraine will share combat expertise with the Indian military. India is supposed to give something in return, I assume.

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