"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Using sailors and airmen for infantry and mechanized assignments speaks loudly about Russia's manpower situation.

It also jeopardizes their carrier ops, since Russia is committing a highly specialized group of sailors who's experience may not be passed down if they get killed or disabled.
I think their carrier ops were already well beyond jeopardised...
Ukraine's September 18 strike against a Russian missile and ammunition storage facility near Toropets, Tver Oblast reportedly destroyed enough Russian munitions to affect Russian operations in the coming months.[1] Estonian Defense Forces Intelligence Center Head Colonel Ants Kiviselg stated on September 20 that the strike caused 30,000 tons of munitions to explode, noting that the size of the explosion equates to 750,000 artillery shells and that Russian forces on average fire 10,000 shells per week. His calculations suggest the Ukrainian strike destroyed two to three months of Russia's ammunition supply. Ukrainian outlet Suspilne reported on September 18 that a source within Ukrainian special services stated that the Toropets facility stored Iskander missiles, Tochka-U ballistic missiles, glide bombs, and artillery ammunition.[2] It is unclear if Kiviselg's statement about 30,000 tons of explosives includes both missiles and artillery ammunition, but the strike destroyed significant Russian materiel stockpiles in any case. ISW continues to assess that continued Ukrainian strikes against rear Russian logistics facilities within Russia will generate wider operational pressures on the Russian military, including forcing the Russian military command to reorganize and disperse support and logistics systems within Russia to mitigate the impact of such strikes.[3]

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Personally, I suspect that Putin is awaiting the outcomes of the US Presidential election in November. If his preferred candidate loses then I suspect he will then look at ending the war somehow since he will know that there will be no let up in resolve from the West.

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