"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (9 Viewers)

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Speaking of the crash of the ruble - the below is against the USD though other currency comparisons show essentially the same:

5Yr results:

Image 30-11-2024 at 3.51 am.jpeg

Zooming in to 2yr results:

Image 30-11-2024 at 3.52 am.jpeg

Zooming in again to last 12mths:

Image 30-11-2024 at 3.53 am.jpeg

Turning to a comparison with the Chinese Yuan given China is Russia's largest trading partner:

Image 30-11-2024 at 3.54 am.jpeg

The same even stands for the Nth Korean Won or Iranian Rial:

Image 30-11-2024 at 3.55 am.jpeg

Image 30-11-2024 at 3.55 am.jpeg

This should theoretically make it even harder for Russia to purchase from overseas, even their allies.
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One of the challenges will be that there are 2 possibly 3 countries that I suspect would not be willing to assist.

True enough but it's entirely possible that individual nations could band together, outside the NATO remit, to form a coalition of the willing. I think the UK, Poland, Finland, Sweden and the Baltic nations would definitely be part of such a coalition. The challenge is whether the US joins the party. Without the latter's logistics, C2, and intelligence capabilities, any such coalition would be severely hobbled.

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