"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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I agree with someone (sorry don't remember who) that said that if things were going good for Rusia we would have see plenty of victorious footage.

And that is not the case, at least till now.
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I've the bad feeling that the war in Ukraine is just like Archduke Ferdinand's assassination in 1914. It doesn't matter how it will end on the field. It will be just the starting point for something more sinister especially for Europe.
Alarmist views like that don't help either IMHO.
People like Kissinger have been predicting where things would be headed even 10 years ago but went unheard.

As citizen of a country which had friendly ties with both Ukraine and Russia, I would have liked to see my government to take a stance as neutral as possible. Instead, it's being sucked into the general "either with us or against us" prevailing narrative of the west. This alone is a tell-tale sign that the fate of Ukraine is of rather secondary importance in the grand scheme of things. When you see two friends fighting, even if one of them started the fight, you just don't rush headlong into the fray. You try to separate them and then listen to the reasons of both of them. That is what sane persons would do.
You'd rather be a Nevil Chamberlain than Winston Churchill is what you are saying?
So what you saying you ok that Russia is invading Ukraine. You ok that Russia is killing Ukraine civilians.
You ok that Russia wants to put in a puppet government. This ain't a fight between friends...how do I know that?


This is war. Red in tooth and nail with military consequences.

And other countries are next. So the Kremlin has said that there will be consequences if Finland and Sweden join NATO. When did the Kremlin decide who joins NATO? So that's a no. Kremlin just threatened Sweden and Finland so bring neutral ain't going to do nothing.
You'd rather be a Nevil Chamberlain than Winston Churchill is what you are saying?
UK at the time was like the US of today and it couldn't ignore the developing situation in Europe, since her influence was at stake. In the end, after WW2, UK lost his position as dominant country and her empire anyway, so in retrospect either choice leads to UK loosing the primacy. That's a good example of how empires come and go and mankind repeats the same mistakes.

India, in recent times, it's a perfect example of a country trying to maintain a perfect balance and neutrality (even with their border disputes with China. Neither country is so stupid as to escalate the tensions outside of the contested regions).
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What has the British Empire got to do with Ukraine?

Are we invading Ukraine? I would not support invading Ukraine. I hope next time we invade Ukraine, someone tells me.

Although if Britain did invade Ukraine we would hopefully be doing a better job than the shower trying it at the moment.
Unfortunately, Kremlin has plans B, C and probably more. I don't know what letter they have assigned for the nuclear attack. If someone says "impossible", I'll just shrug and remind that it was impossible to strike Kyiv with missiles just 4 days ago. And to send armour groups into Ukraine until August 2014. And to bomb the merchant port of Poti, Georgia until August 2008. Etc.
Slippery slope or well though policy? Probably, it doesn't matter anymore.
Zelensky has invited international volunteers officially and promised that there will be a separate unit for them.
Allegedly, French Legion's command allowed Ukrainians to take leave and to return to the homeland.
Many Eastern Europeans have seen that before... Note, these "liberators" can not be hungry or exhausted. They left their camps probably just a few hours ago.
What has the British Empire got to do with Ukraine?
Are we invading Ukraine? I would not support invading Ukraine. I hope next time we invade Ukraine, someone tells me.

Although if Britain did invade Ukraine we would hopefully be doing a better job than the shower trying it at the moment.
Not really a fair comment as it was I who made the comparison to Chamberlain and Churchill.

Maybe a better comparison would be my own country. We tried to stay neutral in 1939 and look what happened.
I think the reason that we cannot and should not stay neutral is because of the lessons learned in 1939/1940.

The bold part is what I pray for.

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