"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Does the Ukrainian ability to hit the Russians at sea open up opportunities to send reinforcements or supplies to those besieged at the coastal Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol? Perhaps small boats could approach at night? Too bad the Ukrainians don't have some makeshift fast attack boats armed with Neptunes.
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Does the Ukrainian ability to hit the Russians at sea open up opportunities to send reinforcements or supplies to those besieged at the coastal Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol? Perhaps small boats could approach at night?
From what I gather - the Mariupol defenders are pinned down inland at a steel-plant - with no access to the harbor. And the Sea of Azov is entirely controlled by the Russians.
Even a kind of Commando raid might be possible, but I do not see how this could help the remaining defenders.

I don't think they can help them much anymore, helo supply drops might not work anymore as well. a potent soviet commander would place a lot of radar and SAMs there to prevent that.
If they wanna do a commando raid (and still have soldiers and boats) they should destroy multiple sections of the Kerch strait bridge. This would be another nice blow to russian pride and prevents easy troop/supply transports via Crimea.
Just the geological situation would make the Crimea difdicult to retake, in light of the Ukraine military's numerical disadvantage. They would need to somehow bolster their naval assets to counter Russia's Black Sea fleet.
Black Sea Fleet has taken a smack. Now, what of the Russian situation in the Crimea if a Ukrainian offensive cuts the land bridge to the Donbass?
Lots of rocket/missile attacks by Russia against a range of Ukrainian targets overnight. The following reporting from the BBC uses a pic sourced from Reuters and appears somewhat confused. What the Reuters image cites as a Russian hypersonic ballistic missile looks like a bog-standard SS-21 to me. So either Reuters got it wrong, the BBC got it wrong, or Russia is claiming to use Iskander hypersonic missiles when they're actually using SS-21s (which are neither accurate or precise, nor are they hypersonic)....or Russia is using a mix of Iskanders and SS-21s:

Image caption: An unexploded short range hypersonic ballistic missile, similar to those Russia claims to have used on Monday (Source: Reuters/BBC)

Russian state media is reporting that its military struck a total of 315 targets in Ukraine overnight, with several cities bombarded on Monday.
Russia's defence ministry said it had destroyed four arms and military equipment warehouses in Ukraine overnight with Iskander missiles, a short-range ballistic missile, the TASS news agency is reporting.
"High-precision air-launched missiles destroyed 16 Ukrainian military facilities during the night," Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.
He added that Russian air defence systems shot down two Ukrainian fighters.
The BBC has not been able to independently verify these claims.
If 315 targets were hit how many of these missiles does Russia have left. The sanctions seem to be affecting production in Russia
so is there a problem there as well ?
If 315 targets were hit how many of these missiles does Russia have left. The sanctions seem to be affecting production in Russia
so is there a problem there as well ?
Once there is, we will know - because either the Russians will pull back or take tactical nukes into consideration. - so as sarcastic as it sounds, let's hope they do not run out
of conventional ammo, whilst the Ukrainians are denying them any further geographical exploitation. The $$ and a disillusioned population are going to bite Putin sooner or later.
That is why stuffing the Ukraine with weapons IMO is crucial, whilst in the meantime forcing both sides to negotiate.

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