"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Germany is boosting its defense budget this year to the tune of €100 billion. That's a BIG increase but a one-off spend by one country is t going to alter the trajectory of European armed forces and NATO defense. The spending needs to be sustained for years, and forces built up. However, maybe this is the start of Europe taking its own defense seriously once again. One can only hope….

Quoth Sun-Tzu: "Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake."
The battle of Bucha aftermath. 3-4 km from Kyiv. Today.
Local resident walking around the destroyed RF column and damaged buildings, obviously shocked and very angry.
By the way, he speaks and curses mostly in Russian. The one who does not want to be "liberated", obviously.
I'm almost as concerned that the sanctions will work as I am that they might not. While it's easy to compare what's happening today to the Nazis creating WW2 (with a bit of help from the Soviets, remember), there is also the problem of sanctions against the Japanese for their war against China. As the sanctions succeeded and the Japanese economy began to fail, Japanese militarists realized that they had only months to attack America - this led to Pearl Harbor, and we all know what that led to.

My concern right now is that Vlad is hungry; what will happen if the sanctions make him desparate?


It came once to Gran Canaria (LPA airport). Even from the highway a couple of kms away was an awesome sight. Truly one of a kind.

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