"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I don't think Putin gives a damn about public pressure. The only public opinion that matters to Putin is the one that he, himself, so generously gives to the people to help enable the State to accomplish its great and glorious mission. Ergo, the real question is how does Putin see the presence of the SAS in western Ukraine?

If you come at the problem from the perspective that every right-thinking Ukrainian must want Russian hegemony, then clearly anyone who fights against such rule must be (a) a nazi, or (b) a tool of NATO which is using those tools to destroy Russia (other bêtes-noires are available). I expect Putin to play the presence of the SAS as an example of the latter, and "inflaming" the conflict to prevent Russia from achieving its "righteous" goals.
The fire in the Russian aerospace/whatever lab that went up was, in my opinion faulty wiring, like they said. It just seems to go along with the rest of their now exposed competence. However, if anyone could have pulled that caper off.....
The fire in the Russian aerospace/whatever lab that went up was, in my opinion faulty wiring, like they said. It just seems to go along with the rest of their now exposed competence. However, if anyone could have pulled that caper off.....
I honestly feel that the accident was truly just that, an accident.

Russia is in a situation where they need to get an upper hand in Ukraine and I'm sure that Putler has made it clear that failure is not an option - why else would they be testing an ICBM in the middle of a war, especially when resources and manpower are much needed elsewhere.

So these people are probably working long hours and under a great deal of pressure to produce results which is a recipe for disaster.
It's a sad day when the leaders of a nation take to censorship as a means to "win" a self-inflicted war.

Erasing the Ukraine and all associated with it, is literally erasing their origins.

It would be like America eradicating England from it's history...

It's the only sense I agree with that this is a form of genocide. The Russians aren't trying to exterminate all Ukrainians -- but trying to erase the history of a people, to eradicate their culture, is certainly a form of elimination. I speak this as someone who is one-eighth Blackfoot and have no knowledge of that aspect of my own personal heritage, because it has been erased. Wiping out the culture is indeed in one sense wiping out the peoplehood, if you'll pardon the awkward phrase.
George Orwell foresaw all this back in 1948. Thoughtcrime, doublespeak, and the eradication of history.

"It's all been done before,
it's all been written in the book.
When there's too much of nothing,
no one should look."

And in the final moment, as the bullet entered his brain, he knew at last he loved Big Brother.

It's a good read.
It's a sad day when the leaders of a nation take to censorship as a means to "win" a self-inflicted war.

Erasing the Ukraine and all associated with it, is literally erasing their origins.

It would be like America eradicating England from it's history...

Nah….never gonna happen. Not when so many Americans just LOVE to bring up the War of Independence. There's a whole industry built around it. I looked at the blurb of one book that claimed Britain was a global superpower in 1776 in an attempt to further show American exceptionalism in defeating the Redcoats. It's nonsense but it's profitable nonsense. 😁
I speak this as someone who is one-eighth Blackfoot and have no knowledge of that aspect of my own personal heritage, because it has been erased.
Us Canadians became experts at that with our indigenous people. Introduce smallpox, measles (early germ warfare), alcohol and drugs; invite their chiefs to meetings and then murder them: kidnap the children so to force them to forget their indigenous language; dump the thousands of stolen children who died like garbage into mass, unmarked graves; coerce their parents to live on reservations (including shooting Inuit sled dogs), etc. It's our own history of apartheid.
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Propagandizing history is an old tactic: the "noble cause" lie in US history and the "stab in the back" of Germany's are both infamous. More recently, outright denial has become fashionable, like Holocaust deniers, and monetized, like those claiming the mass murder at Sandy Hook never happened.

Wiping out a people's history is another old tactic, such as forbidding use of a language, as was done by the US and Canada with respect to First Peoples.
Nah….never gonna happen. Not when so many Americans just LOVE to bring up the War of Independence. There's a whole industry built around it. I looked at the blurb of one book that claimed Britain was a global superpower in 1776 in an attempt to further show American exceptionalism in defeating the Redcoats. It's nonsense but it's profitable nonsense. 😁
Just don't mention that we would have lost with out massive weapons and ammunition transfers from France as well as foreign trainers (Von Steuben, et al). There is a reason that the first Springfield Musket of 1795 is a direct ripoff of the Charleville Model 1763/66. I imagine that, likewise, in a couple of years there will be very good clones of the Javelin out of Ukrainian arms companies.
I imagine that, likewise, in a couple of years there will be very good clones of the Javelin out of Ukrainian arms companies.
I'm interested to see what types of AFVs are rolling out of Ukraine's tank factory, once it's back up to speed.

Ukraine's largest tank factory produced only one tank for armed forces in ten years

I expect the days of Ukraine making clones of former Soviet tanks is coming to a close. Maybe they'll license build something like Turkey's Altay or South Korea's Blank Panther. The latter has an auto loader (see below, note blast door), but not the cook-off, turret-removing carousel setup the Russians use.

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Just don't mention that we would have lost with out massive weapons and ammunition transfers from France as well as foreign trainers (Von Steuben, et al). There is a reason that the first Springfield Musket of 1795 is a direct ripoff of the Charleville Model 1763/66. I imagine that, likewise, in a couple of years there will be very good clones of the Javelin out of Ukrainian arms companies.
Don't forget the spanish contribution to the USA independence.

I'm interested to see what types of AFVs are rolling out of Ukraine's tank factory, once it's back up to speed.

Ukraine's largest tank factory produced only one tank for armed forces in ten years

I expect the days of Ukraine making clones of former Soviet tanks is coming to a close. Maybe they'll license build something like Turkey's Altay or South Korea's Blank Panther. The latter has an auto loader (see below, note blast door), but not the cook-off, turret-removing carousel setup the Russians use.

T-64 clones, including Bulat tank which is modification of T64 with fixing most of the design flaws from T64/72 family. Welded turret equipped in 120mm gun using NATO ammunition and autoloader similar to K2 tank. Malyshew technological center in Kharkov is probably largest tank factory in the world with knowledge and technological capabilities well ahead of Russian Uralmash. I dont know if you are aware of the fact that actually Ukraine were probably most technologically advanced part of USSR, manufacturing turbine engines, majority of rocket industry, optoelectronics, shipbuilding and heavy vehicles. Ukraine is also one of largest food manufacturer/exporter in the world. Possessor of probably biggest deposits of the Titanium and Scandium in the world and.... freshly discovered natural gas as well. Probably this short description should makes needs for "denazification" pretty clear for you.

T-84 Oplot

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