"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Here's some Ukraine Drone action.

They strike on the Russian railroad fuel tankers was excellent!

omg guys, this is pure gold!!

A Russian Navy ship is requesting fuel from a Georgian Navy refueler and the Georgians aren't giving it up!

* there is some cuss words, so beware *

** By the way, at the end of the video, the First Officer's comments didn't get captioned. **
What he said, was:
Glory to the heroes!
Glory to Ukraine!

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I haves questions.

So the only Fulcrums are Slovak, Polish and Bulgarian. Not Serb obviously.

The Poles can give up their Fulcrums but Slovakia and Bulgaria don't have any other fighter. Plus Bulgaria has Frogfoots but from what I've read Bulgaria are not playing.

So the question is what has happened to the Ukrainian fighters? Is any operational? Does Ukraine have the pilots? Where are these new Fulcrums going and is it worth it against the latest Flankers? I have no idea.

If the Slovaks give up their fighters I would have to assume they are getting back something. Maybe NATO fighters based there until F-16 became operational.
Or I could don a mankini and video myself doing yoga. Yoga seems to works for the Rybka twins so why not me?

Here's some Ukraine Drone action.

They strike on the Russian railroad fuel tankers was excellent!

Perfectly in accord with the linked article earlier about targeting Russian logistics given their limitations.
More on the impact to Russia's economy:

Slovakia is surrounded by NATO nations that will provide mutual aid and protection, Bulgaria is in a key front location and while they welcome NATO assistance, they are adamant about maintaining their own security foremost.

Even if the U.S. bumped up the F-16 delivery timetable, there is still training and work up time.

The Bulgarian Air Force, in their MiG-29s, have an advantage of familiarity, so best let them remain there, where they can do the most good.

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