"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Wasn't their jump-off point 40 miles north already?
According to current sat. images, the convoy is stretched out over 40 miles, closely packed and mixed vehicles.

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but this convoy *almost* seems like bait to NATO interdiction.

As I mentioned before, I cannot beleive their strategists are this stupid.

For a look at the convoy, go here:
According to current sat. images, the convoy is stretched out over 40 miles, closely packed and mixed vehicles.

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but this convoy *almost* seems like bait to NATO interdiction.

As I mentioned before, I cannot beleive their strategists are this stupid.

For a look at the convoy, go here:

If they're packed that close for 40 miles, you can light 'em up with RPGs from off-road. That's some shoddy planning, agreed.
Goodness. Is there any western democracy not yet on board? How about Latin America? We know Brazil's leader is a fan of Putin.

Does that mean Putin will hide like Mengele?
"Military-Industrial Complex" An obsolete term - 50 years ago yes, but look how many large defense contractors are left. I've worked half of my career as a government contractor and I can tell you the "tail doesn't wag the dog." Read "Skunk Works" by Ben Rich and you'll get a feel on how things really work

My biggest beef with the P-8 is it uses a sensor instead of the traditional Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) system which Boeing says is better, I've heard the opposite. It has a surface search radar that has had issues and I believe it's because it operates at higher altitudes than the P-3. I think the P-8 is a good surveillance aircraft, but as far as hunting and killing subs, you need an aircraft that can loiter for long periods of time at lower altitudes and maintain a modern version of the "Julie-Jezebel" system along with a strong surface search radar. The P-8 does have an impressive armament package.
spot on about P8 - is simply short legged on low altitude because of the propulsion - and i think whole BAMS concept is ... far from perfection i would say. Another weak spot is bomb bay arrrangement - biga airplane without capability to carry big load of weapon. From other hand it is jet - pilots like it :D...
My guess is these aircraft have already integrated a NATO IFF system or they would have one that is compatible with one already being operated by the UAF. J P C would know.
yes our -29th are equipped in NATO compatible IFF (locally produced on Thales licence) and communication gear working in Have Quick mode as well - finally E3 crewas will have better view on situation in the air
looks like US will provide us with used F16 as a replacement for MiGs transferred to Ukrainian pilots - it sounds like very reasonable move of US administration - let me express my personal gratitude to all US taxpayers! By the way our governmet let Ukrainian AF to use our airfields as operational bases. undoubtfully it is significant escalation...
As I mentioned before, I cannot beleive their strategists are this stupid.
Don't underestimate the foolness which people are capable.

If Putin is surrounded by like minded people and nobody is thinking outside their box, nobody will ask what if questions:

-What if the ukrainians didn't surrender at the first shoot?
-What if the West got united?
-What if the sanctions go ahead?

Thinking different from uncle Vlad is no recipe for a long and good life in Rusia today.
Don't underestimate the foolness which people are capable.

If Putin is surrounded by like minded people and nobody is thinking outside their box, nobody will ask what if questions:

-What if the ukrainians didn't surrender at the first shoot?
-What if the West got united?
-What if the sanctions go ahead?

Thinking different from uncle Vlad is no recipe for a long and good life in Rusia today.
I guess he really did out smart the West. We never thought he could do it so wrong.
Ukrainians are doing some drive-by molotov throwing.

Very risky. Don't know if it is genuine or a throw at a fuel starved and abandoned APC.

Extremely risky, of course. But people are very angry and produce those cocktails in thousands. Polystyrene foam is in deficit.
By the way, I said recently "Molotov's cocktail" to one "producer", who is a local coffee shop owner, and was corrected. "F**k Molotov", she said. "This is our Bandera-Smoothie".
Good morning, Kharkiv.

Some years ago, I studied some episodes of the WWII history of Kharkiv. I didn't find any evidence of bombing of this square either by Germans or by Soviets.

Edit: Two missiles. The second one arrived 5-6 min later when rescue service and firefighters were on the square helping survivors.
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one of my US friends use to said about war propaganda - dehuminizing of your enemy is key for success in this field - i would say Ukrainians are good in this game - from other hand considering typical russian warfare style - it is process with minimal extra effort.
According to current sat. images, the convoy is stretched out over 40 miles, closely packed and mixed vehicles.

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but this convoy *almost* seems like bait to NATO interdiction.

As I mentioned before, I cannot beleive their strategists are this stupid.

For a look at the convoy, go here:
Did you read the linked article several pages back, Feeding the Bear? Apparently Russian units are organized kind of light on logistics elements in order to pack more firepower in a given sized unit. This limits the range they can operate without pauses to replenish. This huge and ungainly mixed column probably has extra logistics support "borrowed" from other units, and not organic to the combat units. In a largely conscript army made up of troops with limited experience and not encouraged to innovate much, coordinating with "foreign" supply troops from other units with other traditions and other SOPs could easily go SNAFU or even FUBAR pretty quick.
Mighty tempting target. Javelin, anyone?

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