"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Something had to prevent them from at hitting that convoy in an attempt to prevent it from reaching the city. That or there is something planned that I just can't figure out.
Something had to prevent them from at hitting that convoy in an attempt to prevent it from reaching the city. That or there is something planned that I just can't figure out.

Ukrainian capabilities may have been degraded enough to prevent what we all see as possible (stopper up the leading vehicles, plug the rear vehicles, and have a shooting gallery). Night ops are tough, especially if your troops aren't fully-trained, or is ammo is low.

Cities are, however, troop-sponges. The Russians may yet regret actually reaching Kyiv.
Thats exactly what inspired post.

I was never so proud of my beloved Air Force. We did not forget Falaise, we only made it hurt worse the next go-round.

It's a shame the Ukrainians couldn't turn the trick, but from what I've read that convoy has reached Kyiv. Hopefully the city will help sponge up Russian troops. Urban fighting is the toughest fighting, I think.
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