Unter Gemeine Geschwader Murmeltier XIII
As an aside, I had been wondering how badly hurt were UAF supply chains. I know there were aviation losses from Russia's opening attacks. Did the UAF also suffer losses to their artillery regiments as well? Would their transport assets have been reduced as well? There's a lot of talk about these longer ranged towed howitzers. I was wondering what did the UAF get to tow them with? Then we start posting, among other things, all these M-113s. I thought that long range artillery wasn't towed directly up to enemy small arms range. I thought they'd be brought up to just out of Orc artillery range. Guess I was wrong. I wasn't positing the M-113 as a battle machine with anti aircraft guns/ anti aircraft missiles/ heavy machine guns/ air search radar/ etc bringing troops into battle. I just wondered if the damned things have a trailer hitch.