"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Dimlee - is word "sviniosabaki" has different meaning than just combination of two? is it idiom or kind of "newspeak" ?
I heard it in 2014 or 2015 for the first time in my life. Copied from German, most probably.
What about Polish?
I know, we should not underestimate the enemy, but...
I have that warm nostalgic feeling... Equipment is similar to my training in the early 1980s. Just somewhat better, my calculator was not solar powered.
I know, we should not underestimate the enemy, but...
I have that warm nostalgic feeling... Equipment is similar to my training in the early 1980s. Just somewhat better, my calculator was not solar powered.
i wouldn't like to break your nostalgic recollections but this is exact copy of standard Wehrmacht flashlight dated around 1936-9 later models were more advanced
It says a lot about the character of the 35 countries that abstained and five that voted against the resolution. Not surprised, but it says a lot.
I would that says a lot that China don't sided with Rusia in this voting neither in the one of the Security Council. I would say that is as near to a rebutal of the russian invasión as it could be from a close Ally.

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