"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (14 Viewers)

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If the Wagner Group headquarters was indeed smoked, what's left (destitute wannabe mercs, criminals, etc.) might see their combat effectiveness somewhat hampered. This and the hopefully abandoned troops north of the Dnipro really is great news.
Depends. What exactly constitutes a Wagner HQ? This isn't some Borg Cube where the enemy leader and soldiers are all amassed.
According to the buzz, numero uno was taken out. That would mean his staff of psychopaths, thugs and brown nosers would be there with him. This could mean serious decapitation of one of the more competent military formations Putler has. I have heard mention that Wagner Group has the better troops. That's why they're in the Donbas and headquartered(?) in Popasna threatening Bakhmut. The attack was in Popasna. I think. The Ukrainians did have the address.
According to the buzz, numero uno was taken out.
I guess the UAF gets the $250k?

unforunately "numero uno" most probably have survived, there are photos of Prigozhin making "damage assessment" when dust settled down. i Wonder if it will calm down his enthusiasm little bit???
Reports of unusually heavy Russian airstrikes along the line of contact to the southeast and east of Mikolaiv over the last 18-24 hours, particularly around the Ukrainian salient near Posad-Pokrovs'ke. Also heavy use of long range rocket artillery.

Could be covering for withdrawal, although Ukraine reports no changes to Russian troop dispositions yet.

KYIV, Aug 16 (Reuters) - Moscow denounced sabotage and Ukraine hinted at responsibility for new explosions on Tuesday at a military base in the Russian-annexed Crimea region that is an important war supply line.

The blasts engulfed an ammunition depot at a Russian military base in the north of the peninsula, disrupting trains and forcing 2,000 people to be evacuated from a nearby village, according to Russian officials and news agencies.

Plumes of smoke were later seen at a second Russian military base in central Crimea, Russia's Kommersant newspaper said, while blasts hit another facility in the west last week.

The explosions raised the prospect of new dynamics in the six-month war if Ukraine now has capability to strike deeper into Russian territory or pro-Kyiv groups are having success with guerrilla-style attacks.


In Tuesday's incident, an electricity substation also caught fire, according to footage on Russian state TV. Russia's RIA news agency said seven trains were delayed and that rail traffic on part of the line in northern Crimea had been suspended.

I see Putler is denouncing AUKUS and accusing the U.S. of trying to set up a NATO style block in the Pacific. What else can the west do now that Russia and North Korea have formed an Axis of Steel?

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