"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (13 Viewers)

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Interesting - it looks like the Ukrainians are also using old hand held GPS units in their MiG-29s.

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Are Soviet era aircraft able to have modern GPS/GLONASS integrated into it's system, or are the older dashmount systems the only workaround?

For example, what did the Polish Air Force do about this?

That is some crazy, CRAZY rhetoric. Some direct quotes:

"To serious things - London understands there is no defence against [Russian] hypersonic missiles," he told viewers.

"They understand, too, that the main target isn't Germany or France - but the British Isles.

"It is the closest target, it's a nice target, which would allow [us] to change the outcome of this conflict [in Ukraine].

"So by completely wiping out the British Isles I think we'll finish this story."

Yes, it would completely finish the story because it would trigger NATO Article 5....and that's endex for Moscow's plans.

Some of his other comments are more laughable. For example, he claimed that the RAF had "decentralised" its warplanes to different locations, fearing a possible attack. Anyone who knows ANYTHING about the RAF and the UK in general realizes that there aren't a whole lot of airfields where the RAF could disperse assets (assuming that's what he means by "decentralize").

These muppets really are in a world of their own. I know it's all for Russian internal consumption but they make Alex Jones sound rational.
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Tokyo: this China affair is too long, why don't we bomb Pearl Harbor?
Berlin: Eastern Front and Africa are complicated, we already fight on several fronts, why don't declare war against the USA?

Moscow: Ukrainians do not capitulate? Sanctions? Hold my beer...
Considering how well the "special operation" is going for Russia right now, threatening England (again) is good comedy.
I notice they aren't threatening Finland much these days. I wonder if it's because someone took the Russian noise-makers aside and reminded them that Finland is a charter member of the "f**k around and find out" club.
Considering how well the "special operation" is going for Russia right now, threatening England (again) is good comedy.
I notice they aren't threatening Finland much these days. I wonder if it's because someone took the Russian noise-makers aside and reminded them that Finland is a charter member of the "f**k around and find out" club.
That guy, Andrey Gurulev "declared war" on Britain earlier, in June - when there were tensions around Kaliningrad. At that time his plan was three stages:
1. 100% of all US and UK satellites are destroyed.
2. 100% of the air and missile defence of the UK is destroyed.
3. London gets the first blow.
Timing not mentioned, but probably 3 days, as the capture of Kyiv.
That guy, Andrey Gurulev "declared war" on Britain earlier, in June - when there were tensions around Kaliningrad. At that time his plan was three stages:
1. 100% of all US and UK satellites are destroyed.
2. 100% of the air and missile defence of the UK is destroyed.
3. London gets the first blow.
Timing not mentioned, but probably 3 days, as the capture of Kyiv.
Don't laugh at this guy. Russia still has huge amounts of surplus equipment. They must have P-39s.
I've seen some clips of Russian aircraft doing this as well.

Maybe J J_P_C has some info
depends of predicted service life PAF's MiG29 has been subject of three different modification programs - first one simplest - it was related to ex Luftwaffe airplanes - due to bad technical condition in moment this airplanes has been transferred to Poland it basically stay in Luftwaffe configuration (which wasn't really bad at all - far better than original 9.12 with integrated NATO onboard equipment, - second one - intermediate - with TACAN, VOR/ILS and GPS in civilian standard integrated with navigation suite through add on data custom build converters - data from this units has been converted to MiG avionics standard and feed to russian computer to be presented on HUD display, third - most advanced - as presented on pictures below - sorry for descriptions in polish - if this will amaze anyone i will provide further clarification :D

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depends of predicted service life PAF's MiG29 has been subject of three different modification programs - first one simplest - it was related to ex Luftwaffe airplanes - due to bad technical condition in moment this airplanes has been transferred to Poland it basically stay in Luftwaffe configuration (which wasn't really bad at all - far better than original 9.12 with integrated NATO onboard equipment, - second one - intermediate - with TACAN, VOR/ILS and GPS in civilian standard integrated with navigation suite through add on data custom build converters - data from this units has been converted to MiG avionics standard and feed to russian computer to be presented on HUD display, third - most advanced - as presented on pictures below - sorry for descriptions in polish - if this will amaze anyone i will provide further clarification :D
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View attachment 684530
Excellent information, thank you for posting! So it's safe to say that Poland did not adopt the practice of installing commercial off-the-shelf handheld GPS units as seen on Russian and Ukrainian aircraft?
Since it's related to things Russian, it's worth noting that Mikhail Gorbachev has died aged 91. Seen in the West as the architect of the end of the Cold War, and of Russia joining the rest of the world through his policy of Glasnost, he was, unsurprisingly, viewed rather differently in Russia as the instigator of the chaos that came after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Regardless of your viewpoint, he was a brave man who acted on his principles. Oh, that we had a few more like him in Russia today.
Excellent information, thank you for posting! So it's safe to say that Poland did not adopt the practice of installing commercial off-the-shelf handheld GPS units as seen on Russian and Ukrainian aircraft?
it may happen in a case of equipment malfunction as a backup until sourcing spares just to keep aircraft flying (i've seen things like this) - even handheld Garmin is far more comfortable to use navigation aid than IKWK platform based inertial system, not mentioning RSBN which is simply piece of crap. But as a general rule our Air Force put specific effort to make it slightly better.
This sort of silly, empty threat of nuclear attack is demonstrative of the corner Russia has put itself. Beyond cutting off fossil fuels, Russia has no means of hurting or deterring the West from assisting Ukraine. Putin is clearly convinced that NATO is able and willing to evoke Article 5 and to defend its membership. Putin is impotent and the world now knows it.

He wasn't threatening nuclear attack but a conventional attack by hypersonic missiles.
He wasn't threatening nuclear attack but a conventional attack by hypersonic missiles.
Ah. And what did he predict the British and NATO response would be?

Britain doesn't have like weapons with which to reply in kind. So it'll be at minimum conventional TLAMs into Moscow - and we've seen how inept Russian air defences are.
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Reports are starting to filter in about Ukrainian advances immediately south of Mikolaiv, as well as to the east-northeast.

I don't know about Ukrainian claims of breaking the first line of Russian defense, but OSINT reports are that villages up to 5km inside nominally Russian controlled territory have been recaptured by Ukrainian forces in the last 48 hours.

Looks like the advance is concentrated on three or four axes.

I've seen some speculation that the majority of Ukrainian strength in the area is deployed in the northeast of the region, with the intent of rolling south towards the Dnipro, trapping a large pocket of Russian forces and then allowing them to wither on the vine. Soviet Russian artillery is also reportedly concentrated more in the south, around Kherson, rather than in the northeast, which would make advancing in the northeast easier.
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