"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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China has put in 'historical' territorial claims against around 21 different countries including Russia (140,000 sq km's including Vladivostok), all of Vietnam,
both North and South Korea, Northern Laos, North Eastern India, the Spratley Islands, Taiwan of course, Islands off Japan including at one stage, Okinawa
and so on. There is also the claim to the whole of the South China Sea which goes against all international treaties, agreements etc.

The real problem for China now is economic. All the major tech companies are moving out as fast as they can. Heavy industries are moving out as well.
The buying and selling of property where no one lives has created a huge increase in prices which cannot be sustained and is not a bursting bubble but
more like a balloon that has so many holes it leaks out faster than the air can go in.

All this is the stuff that can create a panic in the upper controllers leading to irrational moves. I hope it evens out before it gets that far.
Vladivostok, etc... It's interesting to know that from all "unequal treaties" imposed on China in the XIX-XX centuries only those that were signed with Russian Empire are still valid. And Russian Federation pretends to be the one and only heir to that Empire. Just saying...
Yes, when Kremlin's propaganda outlets brag about the hypersonic weapon in service, usually they mean Kinzhal - ballistic Iskander modified for aerial launch. They call it hyper-sonic because it exceeds Mach 5... As the original Iskander, as most, if not all, other ballistic missiles, starting with German A-4(V-2) and including Tochka-U which is still being used by Ukrainian Army.
Then why is the USA referring to it as a hypersonic? Is it just an attempt to get more money for US hypersonics?

""They've just launched their hypersonic missile because it's the only thing they can get through with absolute certainty," Biden said. "As you all know, it's a consequential weapon but with the same warhead on it as any other launched missile. It doesn't make that much difference except it's almost impossible to stop it. There's a reason they're using it.""

Australian supplied guns in action:




Source: Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand
Ukraine needs to keep the Russians in the east busy, lest they redeploy to reinforce Kherson. But big kudos to Ukraine and its supporters if the UAF has sufficient forces to launch offensives in both places.

I wonder if the Russians are thinking of launching another attack from Belarus towards Kyiv. It won't go any better than the last time, but it would distract UAF forces from the Kherson offensive. With the UAF on the offensive elsewhere and the Belarus border seemingly quiet, the north of Ukraine must be lightly defended by now.
I just hope that the Ukraine don't overreach themselves
I would like to donate a shell to the cause. Cant afford an A-10. Why isnt there a site where i can order one with my name on it. Bet you quite a few dollars i am not the only one.

I'd pay to have one messaged "Here's a big kiss from the G-man."
I really don't like to delve into religious matters, but it's pertinent to this: Apparently the Pope has declared that we're starting to see the outbreak of World War III in piecemeal.

While this may/may not have a connection to the former, the Pope has ordered all Vatican entities to transfer their funds into the Vatican bank, which seems rather odd. Has this ever happened before?

Not sure I see the Pope as any authority on geopolitics.

As far as Vatican finances are concerned, I know little about any precedents for this one way or the other.
Hmm - I wonder if Putin and Russia were schrewd enough to game plan the Ukraine Special Project into a calculated mobilization of NATO and disastrous embargo's that only strengthened the Ruble, and sytematically attack the Eurodollar (and US currency dominance). By Russia Central Bank valuation of gold pegged to oil as well as driving the cost of crude and natural gas globally - and shutting off fertilizer supplies - he has set the stage for a.) economic disaster in Europe, b.) massive price escalation forcing citizens to eat or freeze, c.) shut off Germany entirely across all economic sectors which will probably collapse the EU.

Meanwhile our weapons industry futrures are soaring with DoD donations of advanced weaponry from our existing readiness inventory, dumping $Billions into replenishing inventory and advanced R&D.

Our (US) Energy Grid is heavy orange alert heading to red, with a little relief due to heavy rains in last two weeks - 100 food processing plants have been destroyed, CA passed a law that Independent truckers amy no longer operate in CA all while our supply chain are toast from west coast port and food distribution constipation.

Am I reading this wrong?

Add Green zealots carrying the banner of zero carbon balance by focing farmers off diesel, onto organic with no transition grace, masive inflation, China committed to taking Taiwan, yet another bio disaster in the next best Covid/Monkeypox/whatever - to try to force mask and shot mandates.

Whatever could go wrong?
Hmm - I wonder if Putin and Russia were schrewd enough to game plan the Ukraine Special Project into a calculated mobilization of NATO and disastrous embargo's that only strengthened the Ruble, and sytematically attack the Eurodollar (and US currency dominance). By Russia Central Bank valuation of gold pegged to oil as well as driving the cost of crude and natural gas globally - and shutting off fertilizer supplies - he has set the stage for a.) economic disaster in Europe, b.) massive price escalation forcing citizens to eat or freeze, c.) shut off Germany entirely across all economic sectors which will probably collapse the EU.

Meanwhile our weapons industry futrures are soaring with DoD donations of advanced weaponry from our existing readiness inventory, dumping $Billions into replenishing inventory and advanced R&D.

Our (US) Energy Grid is heavy orange alert heading to red, with a little relief due to heavy rains in last two weeks - 100 food processing plants have been destroyed, CA passed a law that Independent truckers amy no longer operate in CA all while our supply chain are toast from west coast port and food distribution constipation.

Am I reading this wrong?

Add Green zealots carrying the banner of zero carbon balance by focing farmers off diesel, onto organic with no transition grace, masive inflation, China committed to taking Taiwan, yet another bio disaster in the next best Covid/Monkeypox/whatever - to try to force mask and shot mandates.

Whatever could go wrong?

You've been wearing that tinfoil hat and spending too much time in your apocalypse shelter again, haven't you? I warned you about that. Take the hat off, step out of the shelter, and enjoy the sunshine a little. :)

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