"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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In one of the tweets linked by GTX, the Ukrainian forces seem to be bypassing towns and cities. They're leaving smaller blocking forces cutting off the orcs. This is on the Kharkiv front. They're avoiding the mistakes Russians made.
In one of the tweets linked by GTX, the Ukrainian forces seem to be bypassing towns and cities. They're leaving smaller blocking forces cutting off the orcs. This is on the Kharkiv front. They're avoiding the mistakes Russians made.

Well, that's the difference between the objectives of the Ukrainians, which are to preserve and liberate Ukraine, and those of the Russians, which were basically to destroy Ukraine so they could rebuild it as a new add-on to Russia.

Avoiding urban areas provides Ukraine with a two-for-one benefit (1) They avoid getting bogged down clearing house by house and street by street, and (2) they limit destruction of industrial infrastructure, private property, innocent civilians etc.

It seems the Ukrainians are manoeuverists whereas Russian forces are brute force bludgeons (with the emphasis on the "brute").
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Twitter news are becoming overly optimistic with Kharkiv offensive. Some even talk about risk of encirclement on the Izium area.

Anyway today local TV more or less confirmed some of the news: Apparently Ukrainians are rushing towards Kupiansk to cut off supply lines to the strategic city of Izium to the south. Seems they are making clever use of rivers as natural barriers (which makes sense knowing Russian skills crossing rivers).

I watched a commentator discuss the war a few days before the actual offensive. He was playing down a quick victory. He did bring up the case of a "catastrophic victory".
I wasn't really paying attention but he brought up Russian forces just collapsing. I don't remember what he said exactly but I like the term "Catastrophic Victory ".
Fitting somehow.
After the war there will be incentives put in place by other nations, like the threat of insurgency/retaliation and suchlike from Ukraine, and more peaceful measures from other nations such as the continuation of/or lifting of sanctions. Hopefully that will work.
After the war there will be incentives put in place by other nations, like the threat of insurgency/retaliation and suchlike from Ukraine, and more peaceful measures from other nations such as the continuation of/or lifting of sanctions. Hopefully that will work.
But I'm sure it never "officially " happened. Pertinent information going away. Those involved succumbing to gravity. I agree with you and I want to be wrong.
Anyone think Zelenskyy will make it to London for the funeral in about nine days time? It would be quite the sight, Zelenskyy and his wife walking in, when Putin clearly is not welcome.

Zelenskyy hasn't left Ukraine since the invasion, so he's likely to send the Deputy President, Ruslan Stefanchuk, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada. He'll need a good Savoy tailor.


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