"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian forces on Sunday pushed its counteroffensive in the country's east, exploiting quick gains they made in a week of fighting that has sharply changed the course of the conflict.

Ukraine's quick action to reclaim Russia-occupied areas in the northeastern Kharkiv region forced Moscow to withdraw its troops to prevent them from being surrounded and leave behind significant numbers of weapons and munitions in a hasty retreat as the war marked 200 days on Sunday.


The Russians' pullback marked the biggest battlefield success for Ukrainian forces since they thwarted a Russian attempt to seize the capital, Kyiv, at the start of the nearly seven-month war. Ukraine's attack in the Kharkiv region came as a surprise for Moscow, which had relocated many of its troops from the area to the south in expectation of the main Ukrainian counteroffensive there.


Just as the Russian forces were hastily pulling back from Izyum under Ukrainian fire, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the opening of a huge observation wheel at a Moscow park, a new transport link and a sports arena.


Pro-Kremlin political analyst Sergei Markov criticized the festivities in Moscow as a grave political mistake.

"The fireworks in Moscow on a tragic day of Russia's military defeat will have extremely serious political consequences," Markov wrote on his messaging app channel. "Authorities mustn't celebrate when people are mourning."


In a sign of potential rift in the Russian leadership, Ramzan Kadyrov, the Kremlin-backed leader of Chechnya, said that the retreat from the Kharkiv region resulted from the Russian military leadership's blunders.

"They have made mistakes and I think they will draw the necessary conclusions," Kadyrov said. "If they don't make changes in the strategy of conducting the special military operation in the next day or two, I will be forced to contact the leadership of the Defense Ministry and the leadership of the country to explain the real situation on the ground.

Victory has a thousand fathers; defeat is an orphan.
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian forces on Sunday pushed its counteroffensive in the country's east, exploiting quick gains they made in a week of fighting that has sharply changed the course of the conflict.
Watching the long drawn out "Southeast Front Advertising Campaign", I kinda wondered if those pesky Ukrainians didn't have something up their left sleeve. But if it was actually a maskirovka, it was just too obvious to work in the real world. But then again, the Russians just aren't the Israelis, or anything like them.
Don't forget the U.S. Dept. of Defense restraining the ZSU from trying to take Kherson Oblast. The ZSU is no position to advance over a wide front and should limit itself to the north bank of the Dnipro.
Putin is in serious trouble with his support let alone on the battlefield.

The hardened right wing is urging him to mobilise and even use chemical and nuclear weapons
The anti war wing are starting to complain, and two districts have asked for him to stand aside
The Chechnya leader that he appointed and relies on for military support has said the following
"If today or tomorrow no changes in strategy are made, I will be forced to speak with the leadership of the defence ministry and the leadership of the country to explain the real situation on the ground to them. It's a very interesting situation. It's astounding, I would say,"

And yesterday Putin spent the day opening a large Ferris Wheel in Moscow, that broke down that night.

It's a bit like Hitler reviewing his plans for a new Berlin as the Russian tanks rolled through the streets

It'll be interesting to see how they fit into the "defense" of the Donbas without weapons.
I think this is a sober assessment.
'Swap of territory-for-troops' and "plan G". I hope that Ukraine's General Staff understands the risks.

In the meantime, this joke is popular today:
"Tom Cooper's recommendation to Ukrainian Army: pay attention to the language spoken by the locals!
Once you hear Chinese, it's time to stop your advance".

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