"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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The link I posted above from Anne Applebaum makes the same points -- Putin's regime can't survive a defeat here, and may not be able to survive a victory, either, in my opinion. And with no clear succession process constitutionally, we may well see a power-struggle that goes for a few years before the dust settles and a new autocrat secures his hold on power in Russia.

Putin has staked his regime upon success in Ukraine, and now the enormity of that gamble may bite him in the ass.
It's a shame, what's happened to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

For a time, with it's democratic reforms and capitalism-based economy, it was really doing well. Then Putin got in there and really effed things up.

The economic hardships between 1993 and 1999 made Putin's rise much more likely. Putin's domestic popularity at the beginning of his regime was based on the stability he established after those years of privation and uncertainty.
If I were India, with Russia demonstrably weakened and China aggressively expansionistic, I'd put my bets on Ukraine and the opportunity to make new friends, call up Washington for a commitment of support against China and announce that I was sending fifty Sukhoi Su-30MKI, all sixty-nine of my older MiG-29s (not the naval variant, MiG-29K), and three hundred T-72 Ajeya tanks to Ukraine.

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