"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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The linked article states, "But the US has rebuffed a request to provide more HIMARS munitions. " That does not comport with the most recent tranche of aid, from 8 Sep, according to this article from Defense.gov:

Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) announces the authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $675 million to meet Ukraine's critical security and defense needs. This authorization is the Biden Administration's twentieth drawdown of equipment from DoD inventories for Ukraine since August 2021.

Capabilities in this package include:

  • Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
  • Four 105mm Howitzers and 36,000 105mm artillery rounds;
  • Additional High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARM);
  • 100 Armored High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV);
  • 1.5 million rounds of small arms ammunition;
  • More than 5,000 anti-armor systems;
  • 1,000 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) Systems;
  • Additional grenade launchers and small arms;
  • 50 armored medical treatment vehicles;
  • Night vision devices and other field equipment.
For those that want to send a farewell message to the russian forces in a shell or in a AGM-88 HARM

This is the web for that:

This is an interesting update from Vlad-the-Mad himself:

I was particularly amused by his threat that, up until now, Russia has not deployed all its available forces to attack Ukraine. Thus far, apparently, Russia has only employed its "professional army." If what we've seen over the past 6 months is Russia's "professional army" then I shudder to think at the level of incompetence we may see if Russia unleashes all its conventional forces against Ukraine.

The Russians may not want to change their plans, but they may not really have much choice either. We've seen this already, after the failed assault on Kyiv, and it smells to high heaven of damage control.

Now 1st GTA is toast, and forces remaining in the area will face supply-shortages while they try to reconfigure the front. Meanwhile the Ukrainians may decide to shift the schwerpunkt south in order to wrong-foot the Russians again.
Now here's something to ponder.

I earlier suspected that all the "leaked" info about the planned southern offensive was a decoy and lo and behold, the eastern offensive appeared out of thin air and Ukraine forces blitzed the Russians.

But what if the southern offensive *is* the actual goal and the eastern offensive was the decoy?

There is considerably more strategic goals in the south (including Crimea, eventually) and the the Ukraine may be playing a shell game to keep the Russians off balance and prevent them from digging in.

In other words, they (the Ukraine military) go through the motions of building up in the south and tell everyone they're preparing for an offensive. The Russians shift manpower and equipment to the south in preparation.
Ukraine attacks in the east instead, routing the Russians. So the Russians are now shifting manpower and equipment to stop the eastern offensive.

Meanwhile, in the south, where the Ukraine was building up their forces, has been relatively quiet. Especially since all eyes have been on the offensive to the north.

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