"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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"Putin's basically doubling-down on a pair of deuces, eight-high."

No, aces and eights- Dead Man's Hand.

I don't think his hand is nearly that good, though I do agree with your point. Two pair aces-high is much better bluffing territory than what Putin is telegraphing now.

Announcing this call-up is essentially announcing that Russia is nearing the bottom of the barrel.
That's informative. Quite amusing too. Especially for Xi!
Talk about two birds with one stone.

Probably three birds, when we consider how this war has affected the world's economy. Aside from the oil and grain issues, there's also the problem of consumer spending generally being slowed by wars. Coming on the back-end of the Covid recession, the Chinese cannot be happy. They need consumers and not refugees, and free trade rather than trade restrictions.
If Germany can provide Gepards, with their logistical, spares availability and maintenance challenges, why not Leopards?

How will the M-55S' L7 105mm gun perform against Russian T-72s? I believe early Cold War testing against captured Russian tanks was one of the reasons the British expedited development of the 120 mm rifled gun for the Chieftain, and Rheinmetall their Rh-120 smoothbore that replaced the L7 in pretty much everything else.

It is something that Germany has fielded some of the best tank guns, equal and often superior to whatever the enemy was bringing.

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Some more info about the four RuAF aircraft shot down. Also some 5 iranian drones and a cruise missile.

Also some problems going on with the conscription. Allegedly, rusty Aks are given to some recruits, some recruits came themselves a bit drunk and some fought with local police.

Pretty sure they're also not happy about the Russians introducing referenda allowing for breakaway provinces to decide their own fate. That's the last thing China wants re: Taiwan.

But then we're back to the hypocrisy of totalitarian regimes. They want regions to have the freedom to choose their alignment…but only if that alignment corresponds with the totalitarian regime. Any other form of self-determination is week/evil/aggressive/a threat….or all of the above.
Perhaps we're seeing the mostly absent, yet large Russian Air Force finally arriving in force over Ukraine, just as UAF anti-air has reached expert levels of kit and skill, with resulting large Russian losses to come.

My point was more that even sham referenda are a nod to the international order and its status quo, which is what China will be seeking when it attempts to take back Taiwan. These referenda are, in Chinese eyes, reinforcing the norm that only a vote legitimizes a change of territory or masters.

Agreed….they just entirely corrupt the process. It often seems like totalitarian regimes are afraid of confronting what they are. They can't stand anyone who thinks differently than them. I suppose they look at democracies and say the same about us.

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