"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Going back to the French and their lack (relatively speaking) of support for the Ukraine in a material sense, there is another example which I find more baffling.

I think we are all aware that currently a training program is underway in the UK to give thousands of recruits into the Ukraine Army, training so they at least have a fighting chance when they enter combat. Recently a European directive is going to expand that in other countries and they are working out which areas are going to concentrate on certain specialities, such as Artillery, AA, armour, Combat engineering and so on.

In today's edition of the Times it is reported, and I find inexcusable, is that the French are refusing to take part. Countries from all around the world are participating from Canada to Australia and a host of European nations, but not the French.

I think that says it all. No one is asking them to give equipment, just time for the training and they are declining.
I found this to be another really interesting read. In another example of poor fieldcraft by the Russians, Ukrainian UAV operators are locating Russian positions due to the amount of trash the Russians leave lying around. That just blows my mind. It's the tactical equivalent of walking around with a piece of paper stuck on your back that reads "Kick Here" with an arrow pointing at your backside. I always thought the Boy Scout concept of "leave no trace" was a sound way to prevent detection. Clearly the Russians don't believe in that sort of thing.

The suffering of the locals is truly heartbreaking. I hope, in among all the military supplies, the West can help these people survive the coming winter. Perhaps a good opportunity for the UN to step in and provide humanitarian aid?

Hopefully the Ukrainians will start a program to totally eliminate Russian rail transport now.

Given the Ukrainian ability to modify civil drones I am surprised they are not already attaching limpit mines to tanker cars on the trains in locations where they must travel slow and then detonating them inside the railyards and stations or when crossing bridges or other targets where a fuel fed fire will destroy the train, its goods and the ability of the orcs to transport anything towards the battle zones. The fires may even provide some crispy orcs for the local wildlife to feed on.
Could you plse give a link to that article.
Maybe it is time to boycott French wines and produce?

Disclaimer - I doubt I have bought anything French for 20 years and I suspect many others are the same. I have bought some "French" cookware but the company is Chinese owned and the pans made in China so I do not consider it French.
It comes with the bear?

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Well...kindda. That image shows the original boxing which dates from January 2022 and came complete with an aggressive, fearsome bear. More recent boxings have different bears that broadly align with the COVID Isolation Bears.

March 2022 saw the Berenstain Bears issue with all Russia together and looking forward to a rapid victory.

The April 2022 boxing had Pooh Bear without pants to reflect the lack of logistical underpinnings behind the Russian invasion, leading to the withdrawal from Kyiv.

The Yogi boxing came out in August 2022 as Russia made opportunistic land-grabs in the east but was denuded of significant combat-capable forces.

The latest release is the Charmin version, that became available this week, to reflect the fact that the Emperor now has no clothes whatsoever, and Crimea is becoming obsessed with toilet paper.
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The Fuhrer is having a tantrum - a professional military, especially one that has a supply issue, would use those resources on enemy concentrations to better slow their advances.

Entirely agree. The BBC is reporting further Ukrainian gains in Kherson:

Ukrainian troops have continued to advance after breaking through Russia's defences on the west bank of the Dnieper River in Kherson.

They have retaken the village of Dudchany and the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) says Ukrainian sources report that Russian occupation authorities are moving their families from the Kherson region to Crimea.

Ukrainian troops have been attacking bridges, ferries and pontoons in recent weeks, attempting to make Russian positions on the west side of the river unsustainable, and thereby force a withdrawal.

Looking at the map, the liberation of Dudchany is a significant step forward for Ukrainian forces. If those areas under "limited Russian military control" fold, then the city of Kherson will probably fall pretty quickly....and it can't happen quickly enough for me!


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