"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Seeing as how Russia has raised the specter of nuclear war, caused world wide famine, caused economic upheaval, committed war crimes and atrocities, Russia is causing a great deal of insecurity through out the world. Russia being on the Security Council seems a bit of an oxymoron.
"Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday accused Ukraine of orchestrating the powerful blast that damaged a key bridge linking Russia and Crimea the day before, describing the explosion as an "act of terrorism"."

Strange words from a man who sends rockets against civilian apartments


Just normal politician. Do as I say not as I do

From your article:

"There is no doubt. This is an act of terrorism aimed at destroying critically important civilian infrastructure," Mr Putin said in a video on the Kremlin's Telegram channel.

Talk to the mirror, bud. Classic bully, complaining about punches in response to those which he's landed himself. Here's a protip, Vlad: you'll find "sympathy" in any English dictionary between "shit" and "syphillis".

Until then, with a hat-tip to our prime punster: Crimea_River Crimea_River
Ok...I'm feeling a bit smug this morning.

A while back, I wrote to the BBC that their map keys for the Ukraine war didn't make sense. They had pink areas as Russian occupied, pink striped areas as "Russian advances" and purple areas as ground regained by Ukraine. The pink striped definition worked when Russia was advancing. However, as Ukrainian forces took back territory, the maps often showed "Russian advances" lining up against territory retaken by Ukraine.

You really can't have both sides advancing at the same time in the same area...at least not for long. So I suggested to the BBC that they change the definition of the striped area to be something like "control of this region is contested." Nothing changed for a while...but then I saw this map this morning. Looks like they listened to my recommendation!

View attachment 689930

Ok, in reality, my one voice may not have made a blind bit of difference...but I'm going to claim it anyway! :)

They are both advancing towards the Kersch bridge
Mr Bastrykin said Ukrainian special services and citizens of Russia and other countries took part in the act.

"We have already established the route of the truck" that Russian authorities have said set off a bomb and explosion on the bridge, he said.

Mr Bastrykin said the truck had been to Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia, Krasnodar (a region in southern Russia) and other places.

Russian involvement ? Vlad wont be happy
Just a side thought as to how these dubious sources become popular. I'm also NOT saying this about Bill or anyone else here.

The problem is that people gravitate to sources that tell them what their preconceived notions, opinions, and beliefs tell them. They don't want to know the truth or fact (or care about truth or fact) Everything they don't want to hear is "fake news" regardless of its credibility or not. I don't like that. It goes against what I am told to believe. It's fake. Or, they said something bad about me (even if its true. Its fake news

Damn that buzzword gives me a migraine headache.

Additionally, there has been a hugely successful "indoctrination/propaganda campaign" that basically tells people there is a deep conspiracy going on, and the media is part of it. It's really scary how many people have joined this "cult" like movement, and how people are incapable of actually thinking for themselves (even though they claim to be the ones doing the thinking).

Anyhow, we are starting to dabble way past the politics section we should not be doing. So I will say no more.

Der Alder is not the first to say this and will not be the last but when will the message sink in. Party can equally apply to belief system - be it your nations superiority or your religion

Written in 1753 and still true


Two things:

1) Not much has changed in the world, even in politics.

2) There were some pretty brilliant people Back In The Day. Wish we had some of them in the modern era!

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