"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Russia does not have an infinite supply of missiles and targeting civilian "infrastructure" is having little effect on the Ukraine's ground forces.
Good point all round. On this last point, the effect on the AFU will be to bolster their ranks and morale. Any adult male who was on the fence about signing up may now cross the tipping point of a decision to take up arms. I think I would after watching my town, schools, etc. hit. Meanwhile those on the front line, upon hearing of the missile attacks, and that the AFU shot down about half of them, would be motivated and optimistic to press on and finish the job. Putin might as well design and print the AFU's recruitment posters.
Another 32 captured Ukrainian soldiers have been released:

Ukraine says 32 of its soldiers have been freed as part of a prisoner swap with Russia.
"All of them had been in places where fierce fighting was raging on. Many of these people had been considered missing," Andriy Yermak, the head of Ukraine's presidential office, tweeted.
He also revealed that the body of an Israeli citizen - named as Dmytro Fialka - was returned. He had volunteered to fight for Ukraine.
Russia has so far made no public comments on the reported swap.

These may be the new conscripts. Russia seems unable to arm, clothe and feed them, so perhaps Belarus will take this responsibility?
I hope you're right. If these are new conscripts, the threat is reduced. I don't know how shaky the Belarusian army is, for either side. Now with an armed mob to deal with, as well as an opponent just itching for payback, I doubt any attack from Belarus.
They are wasting their limited smart munitions on non military targets so it's not like they are letting common sense get in their way. Unless the Ukrainians have adequate soldiers already at the border the Orcs and Keystone Cops could force Unkraine to shift solders from the south to the north which I suspect is what they are trying to do.
Unless the Ukrainians have adequate soldiers already at the border the Orcs and Keystone Cops could force Ukraine to shift solders from the south to the north which I suspect is what they are trying to do.
Today's AFU is not the light force that crushed Russia's move on Kyiv via Belarus in Feb 2022. Now with over 300k active personal and one million reservists, all well armed, equipped, fed, led, motived and provided with the latest NRO and DIU intel; today's AFU has the size, power and forewarning to crush anything that rolls across from Belarus. IMO, this can be accomplished without reducing the AFU strength fighting the Russians to the south and east.

I have no doubt though that the US has informally warned Belarus that in the rapidly changing political climate of Eurasia, Lukashenko might not want to tie his horse to Putin. Better to play like Franco rather than Mussolini.
I was just reading that Ukraine has beefed up it's forces along the Belarus border and - get this - Belarus is now claiming that this build up is a "provocative and threatening" move by Ukraine.

Maybe they should go ahead and place an order for the new German Panther when they go into production.
I know we jest, but what is the situation with Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine? Since March 2022 the story has been that the AFU do not have the knowledge/training and logistical/parts/maintenance to operate Leopard 2s. Is this still considered the primary barrier?

Or is Germany holding up sending its own Leopard 2s or supporting anyone else from sending their Leopard 2s for other reasons? It's difficult to get a straight answer on where we stand now (rather than earlier this summer) on Leopard 2 MBTs for Ukraine.

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I honestly don't know what the hold up is, however, maybe if Canada offered up some Mounties to crew the Leopard 2's they would get sent quicker?

Mounties speak louder than words…

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