"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Sheep being led to the slaughter.

Interesting video of T-62 tanks being refurbished and upgraded in Russia.

Reports suggest some 800 T-62s are undergoing such work in preparation for operations in Ukraine. Does that imply, perhaps, that stocks of newer T-64s, T-72s and T-80s are dwindling, and newer T-90s can't be produced quickly enough?

There's also reporting that Russia has run out of 2S19 self-propelled artillery and drawing on old Soviet D-30s and 2A36 towed artillery, which are more vulnerable to counter-battery fire.
What I find interesting in this video, is the silence. Anyone who has ever been to a large engineering factory will be aware of the noise and the activity. People and cranes moving around. Russia is at war, and it's not going well for them. The front line are desperately short of Tanks, APC's, you name it. That facility should be working flat out, around the clock, yet it's almost silent.
I think that says a lot
Upgraded T-72's through to the T-90 have more high tech stuff in them and many have been sitting for some time.
From other reports over time as with aircraft the more valuable items have 'disappeared' (ie the things have been
ratted) making a lot of the later gear close to useless.

If this is the case Russia does not have the means to refurbish the later types as there is no way of getting or
producing the more high tech bits that have 'walked'.

That's a great observation. Clearly, the bloke in the black leather (?) jacket is some bigwig or other (looks more like a mobster than a politician or corporate manager) so perhaps things were scaled back a tad to allow him to converse with the plebeian masses. However, it does seem odd that there's so little actual work going on given the operational imperative of replacing combat losses in Ukraine.
The UN general assembly voted today to condemn Russian annexations. The vote means nothing as the UN is a nutless hog. Anyone one supporting Russia by absention is still Putin's ally. If they are recipents of of any kind if US or western aid,they should immediately be cut off and Russia should shoulder the financial burden alone.
Beginning of the end of Russian occupation of Kherson, perhaps?

Russian-installed Kherson governor tells residents to evacuate
Vladimir Saldo, the Russian-installed governor of southern Ukraine's Kherson region, has asked residents to evacuate as fighting between Russian and advancing Ukrainian forces nears, Reuters reports.
Saldo also publicly asked for assistance from Moscow on Telegram with transporting civilians to Russia.
Kherson is one of four areas where Moscow-installed officials held so-called referendums last month to claim support for annexation. The votes have been denounced as a sham by Ukraine's government and its allies.
Last week, Ukrainian forces liberated a key village in the southern region of Kherson, hastening another Russian military retreat.

Yet another unintended consequence of Putler's offensive....NATO and Europe will have stronger air defences:

Fourteen NATO allies agree to boost European air defence
The defence ministers from 14 NATO allies - including the UK - plus Finland signed a letter of intent to create a European air and missile defence system through the common acquisition of air defence equipment and missiles by European nations.
"This commitment is even more crucial today, as we witness the ruthless and indiscriminate missile attacks by Russia in Ukraine," NATO deputy secretary general Mircea Geoană says.
A NATO statement said that the initiative will allow all participating nations to jointly develop an air defence system using interoperable, off-the-shelf solutions.
Looking forward to see a T-34

Come and align yourselves with Russia. We love you. We are your brothers. We'll protect you. Oh...and when we say "protect" we actually want you to protect us....with equipment that was designed 80 years ago!

Why on earth would ANYONE trust Putin? The "liberated" Russian loyalists must be appalled at the level of "support" they're getting.

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