"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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That bottleneck south of Kherson is skinny.
There's a poly measure tool on the bottom left. When I use that to measure from that bottleneck to the centre of Kherson City is looks like 18 km or 10 miles. The AFU will take all of Kherson north of the Dnieper River before the end of October. After that there's not much urban area before Armiansk, Crimea, a two hour drive or 2-3 days march down modern roads across open fields, if unopposed.

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Interesting video of T-62 tanks being refurbished and upgraded in Russia.

Reports suggest some 800 T-62s are undergoing such work in preparation for operations in Ukraine. Does that imply, perhaps, that stocks of newer T-64s, T-72s and T-80s are dwindling, and newer T-90s can't be produced quickly enough?

There's also reporting that Russia has run out of 2S19 self-propelled artillery and drawing on old Soviet D-30s and 2A36 towed artillery, which are more vulnerable to counter-battery fire.

Tweet claims this, per google translate:
Russia is modifying 800 T-62 tanks for the war in Ukraine. This means that the newer T-64, T-72 and T-80 tanks have run out, and new ones cannot be produced quickly.
Теперь я понимаю... Россия не атаковала гражданские объекты Украины. Скорее всего, это победа украинской ПРО, которая привела к поражению цели. Еще раз, как СМЕЮТ

Российский депутат и ведущий государственного телевидения заявил, что Россия не нанесла удары по гражданской инфраструктуре в Украине после очевидного увеличения числа атак по всей стране, в том числе сегодня в захвате Киева.

«Наши военные не атакуют, не обстреливают города и гражданскую инфраструктуру. Все наши ракеты были нацелены [на] энергетическую инфраструктуру, узлы связи и военные штабы», — заявил Евгений Попов в программе World at One на BBC Radio 4.

Он обвинил украинские противоракетные комплексы в нанесении ударов по гражданским объектам, в том числе по детской площадке.

"Если вы видите какие-то ракеты и удары по детской площадке, то это результат работы противоракетной системы Украины", - сказал он.

Мы определенно находимся на территории Министерства правды «1984».
Sorry its accidentally
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The UN general assembly voted today to condemn Russian annexations. The vote means nothing as the UN is a nutless hog. Anyone one supporting Russia by absention is still Putin's ally. If they are recipents of of any kind if US or western aid,they should immediately be cut off and Russia should shoulder the financial burden alone.

Tweet claims this, per google translate:
Russia is modifying 800 T-62 tanks for the war in Ukraine. This means that the newer T-64, T-72 and T-80 tanks have run out, and new ones cannot be produced quickly.
T-80's probably haven't run out as with T-90's. Production totals of the T-80 are over 5,000 and the T-90 minus exports would still be 450 -750.
From that there must be a lot that are simply not fit to be sent. With a total tank force around 20,000 it is ludicrous that less than 3,000 were
battle worthy at the start of the current conflict.

Instead of being an epic as in War and Peace Putin is getting a lesson in readiness as in - Flawed and in Pieces.
There's a poly measure tool on the bottom left. When I use that to measure from that bottleneck to the centre of Kherson City is looks like 18 km or 10 miles. The AFU will take all of Kherson north of the Dnieper River before the end of October. After that there's not much urban area before Armiansk, Crimea, a two hour drive or 2-3 days march down modern roads across open fields, if unopposed.

A corridor that narrow can easily be covered by 155mm guns that are still fairly well behind the front lines, say, five miles. That could be like a Hogan's Alley/Falaise Gap scenario, with arty instead of pistols or aircraft.

View attachment 690615

Still trying to figure out why South Africa keeps abstaining. Pick a side damnit. As far as I am concerned a vote of abstention is equal to a vote against. You are a Russian ally.
Still trying to figure out why South Africa keeps abstaining. Pick a side damnit. As far as I am concerned a vote of abstention is equal to a vote against. You are a Russian ally.
Notice how China, Cuba and several other "friends of Russia" have moved from "against" to "no comment" (and even several voting in favor) since this all began?

That in itself is a solid indication of Russia's fading support.

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