"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I'm surprised to see the crowds of Ukrainians on the boats crossing the Dnieper fleeing Kherson. Are these collaborators, ethnic Russians? They don't appear to be coerced or kidnapped under arms. I'd be hiding to wait the AFU's arrival.

I'm surprised to see the crowds of Ukrainians on the boats crossing the Dnieper fleeing Kherson. Are these collaborators, ethnic Russians? They don't appear to be coerced or kidnapped under arms. I'd be hiding to wait the AFU's arrival.

They are most likely trying to get out of harm's way.
US COMINT and HUMINT indicates that Russia is planning on removing the residents in staged movements (timed and measured, not staged as in faked) in order to allow increased battlefield anonymity and movement of troops and equipment within the same area and time period. The intent is to delay and prevent the Ukrainian forces from having clear and unfettered targeting of the Russian forces as they retreat, as they figure the Ukrainians will be unwilling to risk hitting civilians by accident.

The staged evacuation is also intended to show the Russian people that Russia cares about the pro-Russian population in the Kherson region and is protecting them against the Ukrainians, hopefully boosting morale in the occupied areas - Crimea in particular as their is apparently widespread near-panic in Crimea and doubt re Russia's ability to protect them, as well as rising anger at the Russian government's bungling of the war.

There is also indication that the Russians are systematically looting works of art and other things of value, hiding and transporting the items amongst the evacuation.

The source for the above is usually accurate.
I'm surprised to see the crowds of Ukrainians on the boats crossing the Dnieper fleeing Kherson. Are these collaborators, ethnic Russians? They don't appear to be coerced or kidnapped under arms. I'd be hiding to wait the AFU's arrival.

Acording to this they are collaborators and Russians.
Russian forces continued to withdraw from western Kherson Oblast while preparing to conduct delaying actions that will likely be only partially effective. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces have completely abandoned their positions in Charivne and Chkalove (both approximately 33km northwest of Nova Kakhovka), and Russian officers and medics have reportedly evacuated from Beryslav. The Ukrainian General Staff added that Russian forces are also removing patients from the Kakhovka Hospital on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, likely to free up hospital beds for Russian military casualties that may result from the withdrawal across the river. The Ukrainian General Staff noted that some Russian elements are preparing Kherson City for urban combat, while other servicemembers continue to flee the city via the ferry operating in the vicinity of the Antonivsky Bridge. The UK Ministry of Defense reported on October 22 that Russian forces completed construction of a barge bridge alongside the damaged bridge and forecasted that the barge bridge would become a critical crossing point for Russian forces as Ukrainian forces advance toward Kherson City. A large part of the Kherson City population has also reportedly left the city.


Ukraine's Southern Operational Command reiterated that Russian military leadership has moved their officer corps across the river but left newly-mobilized men on the western bank of the Dnipro River as a detachment left in contact. Using such inexperienced forces to conduct a delaying action could prompt a Russian rout if Ukrainian forces choose to press the attack, as ISW previously assessed. One Russian milblogger noted that the situation in Kherson Oblast is dire for Russian troops, noting that it is "virtually impossible" for Russia to evacuate troops from the first lines of defense and that only two questions remain: how to withdraw the final front line of forces, and how to explain the withdrawal to the Russian population.

Leaving raw recruits without leaders on the wrong side of the river? What genius thought this up?
Russian forces continued to withdraw from western Kherson Oblast while preparing to conduct delaying actions that will likely be only partially effective. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces have completely abandoned their positions in Charivne and Chkalove (both approximately 33km northwest of Nova Kakhovka), and Russian officers and medics have reportedly evacuated from Beryslav. The Ukrainian General Staff added that Russian forces are also removing patients from the Kakhovka Hospital on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, likely to free up hospital beds for Russian military casualties that may result from the withdrawal across the river. The Ukrainian General Staff noted that some Russian elements are preparing Kherson City for urban combat, while other servicemembers continue to flee the city via the ferry operating in the vicinity of the Antonivsky Bridge. The UK Ministry of Defense reported on October 22 that Russian forces completed construction of a barge bridge alongside the damaged bridge and forecasted that the barge bridge would become a critical crossing point for Russian forces as Ukrainian forces advance toward Kherson City. A large part of the Kherson City population has also reportedly left the city.


Ukraine's Southern Operational Command reiterated that Russian military leadership has moved their officer corps across the river but left newly-mobilized men on the western bank of the Dnipro River as a detachment left in contact. Using such inexperienced forces to conduct a delaying action could prompt a Russian rout if Ukrainian forces choose to press the attack, as ISW previously assessed. One Russian milblogger noted that the situation in Kherson Oblast is dire for Russian troops, noting that it is "virtually impossible" for Russia to evacuate troops from the first lines of defense and that only two questions remain: how to withdraw the final front line of forces, and how to explain the withdrawal to the Russian population.

Leaving raw recruits without leaders on the wrong side of the river? What genius thought this up?

Yeah, if I was a smart, young Russian soldier who was part of the "holding action," I'd look for every opportunity to surrender.

As to the question of why so many civilians are evacuating, I agree with the idea that they are trying to avoid the fighting. It's also worth remembering that about two-thirds of the pre-war population of Kherson left the city before the Russians captured it. Thus, a proportion of the remaining population may actually be Russia-leaning (though I still doubt that's a majority, not least once they get to see up-close the less savoury traits of the Russian Army).
Yeah, if I was a smart, young Russian soldier who was part of the "holding action," I'd look for every opportunity to surrender.

As to the question of why so many civilians are evacuating, I agree with the idea that they are trying to avoid the fighting. It's also worth remembering that about two-thirds of the pre-war population of Kherson left the city before the Russians captured it. Thus, a proportion of the remaining population may actually be Russia-leaning (though I still doubt that's a majority, not least once they get to see up-close the less savoury traits of the Russian Army).

Yeah, I bet the % of Russian-leaning civilians is disproportionately high compared to other Ukrainian cities. And I don't doubt that many thus "evacuated" not only don't want to leave, but will never see their city again. My suspicion is that they will be bargaining chips .. or forced-labor after being "disappeared".
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